Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the Jonestown mass - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the Jonestown mass suicide...I used to wonder how one dude could convice all those people to drink the poisoned koolaid...then I look around at this country and the media and bs propaganda they spew and think... that jonestown didnt have chit on the obamanation this country and all the koolaid drinkers still defending the bs politicians we have in the white house and congressand realize how dangerous group think is.... what happen..when did america become a majority of sheeple being lead by wolves in sheeps clothes? WELL ENJOY YOUR PARTY ...CUZ IF YA KEEP ON BEING LOYAL TO A PARTY SOONER OR LATER YOULL END UP DRINKING THAT KOOLAID IF YA HAVENT ALREADY! AMERICANS GOTTA UNITE...or its gonna get really much worse, youre right, every avaerage American is working their butts off just to put food on the table, cloth themselves and trying to keep a roof over their families heads.... our only real hope is to take out the entire congress and current administration if we want to survive we gotta fight NOW while we still have some semblance of means to do so...but people have to wake up and stop fighting amongst the little group youve been put into, we are all humans, we are all americans, the rest is irrelevant but the powers that be are pitting people against each othervin order to distract and deflect from the real oppressors which is our government and the elitist globalist wbehind the scenes..., time to rip away the curtain and oust those tryants now....or prepare for the worst because its not gonna get better until we get rid of them.... there were people who survived Jonestown they saw what was going on.... people need to chose, here and now whether they wanna be a survivor or a casualty and do it quick... the chit is about to hit the fan and there is no time like the present! m.wsbtv/news/news/local/35-years-later-jonestown-massacre-survivor-speaks-/nbxDQ/
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:56:39 +0000

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