Yesterday was the the first day I missed my Thanksgiving so Day - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was the the first day I missed my Thanksgiving so Day 19/20..Last night lying in bed I was thinking alot about the season that upon us...I love it and dislike it all for the same reason. It brings out alot of good in people , a sense of thankfulness and desire to give...thats great right...what I dont like is that when the season ends sometime we forget that the needs of others are still a daily need past the 60 day holiday season..we all go about our daily routines after we pack up christmas trees etc and there are so many still in need. I wish I had the financial and physical ability to help every need I am aware of..but I dont. But heres what I am thankful for. We serve a God who CAN fill those needs all year long if he has people willing to be used...I dont have to fill all the needs I just need to wake up today, everyday and say..Lord let me be your hands and feet today and point me to a need that needs to be filled. And He will...if we all woke up everyday with that attitude there would be alot less need dont you think? As a young single mom I spent many holiday seasons crying wondering how would I do Christmas if the electric bill was a stretch that month..there were years that the generosity of complete strangers that we had meals, and Gregory always woke to gifts. ..I will forever be grateful and I pray that I always remain humble and with a heart to give. We must remember not to give with the expectations of results or response, its not about what the receiver does with it..its that you have the heart to give in the first place. So this season remember theres a young mom or dad barely making it, or a widow whos alone for the first Christmas in 50 years and they simply need your open, be aware and be available and watch what your Go Big or Go home kinda God does with it....around every corner is someone who needs a miracle...Join God in what Hes doing and let them see Him in motion through your heart. Keep it simple peeps its all about the LOVE! Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 18:01:39 +0000

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