Yesterday, we learned the importance of studying out the Word of - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, we learned the importance of studying out the Word of God for ourselves and how easy it is to believe and practice something that is not accurate according to Scripture. Why is it so extremely important that we prove all things? Well, there are at least two Scriptural reasons that I can list immediately. First we are commanded in Scripture to do so. I THESSALONIANS 5: 20-21 The Apostle Paul instructs the church at Thessalonica to “PROVE ALL THINGS, hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearances of evil.” And why is that? I PETER 2:9 The Apostle Peter instructs us that BECAUSE we are now a part of the Kingdom of God and His Family, we are “A Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” I always found interesting the title Peculiar People. In the Greek language it was translated from, the word PECULIAR contains the meaning of….”entering into for a particular purpose, during a particular time”. When I ponder on the meaning of that word PECULIAR, it reminds me of Mordecai instructing Queen Esther that she was called to the Kingdom for such a time as this. If you have called upon the Name of Jesus as your Lord, then you have been called and have entered into the Kingdom for such a time as this…for a particular purpose. We are to show forth the praises of the Living God…who has called us out of darkness so that we can bask in the warmth of His marvelous light. In DEUTERONOMY 7: 1-4 & 6 there are some pretty harsh instructions the nation of Israel was given concerning the Tribes of people that inhabited the Promised Land they were to possess. The nation of Israel would not be able to influence them to serve the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Quite the opposite would occur. Verse 4 says…“For they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods.” In Verse 6, God reminds the nation of Israel just who they really are. He says “For thou art an Holy People unto the Lord thy God: The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all the people that are upon the face of the earth.” You see, as a born again Believer in Jesus, the Christ, you are called to be an example. You carry a Holy responsibility to represent the Living God with all accuracy in thought, word and in all manner of lifestyle. As a result, we must always keep in mind that Christianity Compromised is Christianity Contaminated Yesterday, it was mentioned that as a result of not maintaining a high standard of accuracy in Scriptural Belief, many non-scriptural traditions had been instilled in us, which must be corrected at every opportunity. In addition, because of Christianity being compromised, a contamination has occurred where Pagan Worship has entered into our Worship. The nation of Israel was commanded not to intermarry and intermingle with the tribes (those who were not in a covenant relationship with God) of the Promised Land, because it would cause their relationship with God to be compromised and weakened in an ever increasing manner so that over the course of time, you can’t tell the difference between the one who has a covenant relationship with the Living God and the one who does not. So, let’s learn about the difference between an up and coming Holy Day and a Pagan holiday. How it has intermingled and intermarried with Christianity to the point that Christians are actually practicing the worship of other gods. We know that traditionally, we’ve been taught that on Easter we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, which is it? Easter or Resurrection Day? Do you want to know about Easter and what it really is? It is a Wiccan (Pagan group known as witches) celebration based on the Spring Equinox. So, every Spring Equinox this celebration occurs among all Pagans. The proper spelling of Easter is EOSTRE. Eostre is the Anglo-Saxon, Indo-European and Norse goddess of the dawn. Known as the “Shinning One”, she is the Spring Fertility goddess. Her chariot was pulled by Rabbits. She represents extreme fertility (the ability to reproduce in great numbers). She represents Love and all Carnal Passions, desires and the pleasure that it brings. So realize that when you are celebrating Easter with the Easter Bunny you are worshiping a false god and not the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus This year….what do you celebrate? Easter? Or Resurrection Day? Which is it? Here is something else that is interesting. Do you remember what you read yesterday about the Hebrew Calendar? When does Passover occur? Every year it occurs on the 14th day of Nissan. That was the same day that Jesus was Crucified for your and my sin. Now when did Jesus rise from the dead? He rose on the third day following His crucifixion. Right? Right. So according to the Hebrew Calendar, He then would have risen from the dead on the 17th day of Nissan. Now the things of God do not change, because God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Here’s where scriptural accuracy displays a stark difference with traditions. Every year, not for tradition’s sake the Pagan holiday of Easter is celebrated on the Spring Equinox. This year it falls on Sunday, April 20th. However, Passover (14th day of Nissan) falls on April 14, 2014. Now when did Jesus rise from the dead? Resurrection Day…according to the Hebrew Calendar occurs this year on Thursday, April 17, 2014. Here’s the point. In our efforts to be accepted by society…in our efforts to have a long weekend…we have compromised and contaminated Godly tradition…what is right. We have not abstained from all that is evil. The Jewish nation has not compromised Passover to have it on a weekend. They stand firm on it as an example to the world. Why are we not doing the same? Why are we trying to be like the world? You are a chosen generation! You are a royal Priesthood. You are a Peculiar People. You are called to display the Praises of God our Father. He is the one who has called us out of darkness (and all pagan worship) into His marvelous light. Don’t let your traditions compromise your Christianity. Be BLESSED.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:12:07 +0000

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