Yesterday we met with the radiation oncologists at MD Anderson. - TopicsExpress


Yesterday we met with the radiation oncologists at MD Anderson. Tacey will be doing the radiation that is the newest and least ominous for her. That means less danger in the long term of the serious side effects and smaller increase in the probability of secondary tumors from her retinoblastoma or neuroblastoma. Both have a tendency to have secondary tumors later in life. It also means we go for daily treatments at a site off the Med Center campus. It is just a few blocks away, but so much easier for parking and more. We will be getting a PO Box at the post office just behind the center so it is easy to get mail. Tomorrow morning we return to the Texas Children’s Cancer Clinic for blood work and possible transfusions and to MD Anderson for them to make all the preparations to begin the radiation. At this point, it looks like we will be starting on the 10th or 11th. Yes, that means Tacey and I will be temporarily ‘moving’ to Houston. That is something I never thought this country girl would be saying!! Thankfully, we have an amazing place to live. That is such a God story that I need a full post just for it! Be watching for that in the next few days. Our new apartment is in an awesome area very close and convenient to the Med Center, the Proton Center and areas we love to visit. It is definitely an answer to PRAYER and will ease the transition for this county mouse! I am frantically getting things done around the house in preparation of us being gone so much. I won’t be able to return to CS until after Christmas once I leave, so I have a lot to get done! Tacey’s next inpatient chemo will be Dec. 17th-23rd. During that time they will transport her from the hospital to the radiation center each day. She got excited. They told her they didn’t have any limos so she would be taken in an ambulance. She piped up and said, “Oh, that’s okay! I’ve ridden in limos, but I have never ridden in an ambulance!” Oh, some days it really is the little things! She will get Christmas Day and the day after respite from chemo!! That is one of the biggest presents she will probably get! She is thrilled with it! Thank you so much for caring so much about these updates and what is happening in our journey! As always, thank you especially for the PRAYERS!!! They are what fuel us to stay positive and focused on the adventure of the journey! Thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:45:12 +0000

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