Yesterday we were out most of the day doing buying food and - TopicsExpress


Yesterday we were out most of the day doing buying food and prepping for a busy weekend of ministry. I am building frames to do 4 chalk art performances between Saturday and Sunday, pray that the spirit would work through me and for the audiences eyes to be opened to not see my artwork, but the Gospel. Tonia and Naomi have been hard at work in the kitchen making preparations for "Mommy Time," an outreach targeting mothers in this community, coming along side them, listening to their struggles, and providing a place to connect with other mothers while learning biblical responses to child rearing. Today we are demonstrating how to cook American food, a chicken pot-pie and chocolate chip cookies! Tonia will also be sharing wisdom she has gleaned from her years of raising 3 boys. Pray for her that God would use her to speak truth into the lives of these unbelieving ladies. In our book study, Radical by David Platt, we are learning to have a high view of the Church and for the word of God. It is neat to see the concepts of this study fleshed out in the members commitment to one another here in Sapporo. Their passion for God and love for one another is both inspiring and convicting....Last night we enjoyed dinner with Pastor Kamidate and his wife, Yoshiko. It was a rich time of fellowship where we were able to catch up and express our gratitude for his many years of sacrificially hospitality. It is always encouraging just to be around him. Thank you for all your prayers...hopefully we will get more picture up soon.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 22:32:48 +0000

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