Yesterday when I was sitting in my class (room 7,Ramjas college) - TopicsExpress


Yesterday when I was sitting in my class (room 7,Ramjas college) an ABVP candidate entered along with her supporters or army because politics in DU has turned into a war. An ideological as well as moral war. She started addressing the class which honestly was a pathetic attempt at feigning originality. Parties like ABVP and NSUI know that students dont ask questions and they exploit this fact. While they were bragging about how they were the ones responsible for the roll back of FYUP and talking about the transportation, accomodation problems I asked them a question which was:You were in the union last year then why werent these issues addressed then?. Ignoring my question they kept bragging about how significant their contribution was in removing FYUP. I reminded them that BJP minister Vijay Goel supported FYUP. Hearing this they told me that ABVP is not affiliated to BJP. What a stupid statement. Its like saying UN isnt dominated by USA. When I asked them my question again, they(by they I mean the supposedly paid supporters) told me this:Tum AISA waale yeh question auro se kyun nahi puchte till then I hadnt mentioned that I was an AISA supporter which clearly shows that they associate any student who asks a question to be an AISA supporter. When I told them that it still doesnt answer my question they started shouting Naxalwaadi Bharat Choddo, a completely irrelevant and irresponsible statement. All this while the actual candidate kept mum as she only knew her speech and nothing else, the only people speaking were the hooligans masquerading as supporters. They kept hooting and shouting so that my voice wouldnt be audible. This is how threatened they feel when someone questions them. Political culture in DU has turned into a monstrous parody of itself. Its shameful that such people are even calling themselves students representatives. Change is necessary and awareness is more than necessary. Wake up DU students. Start asking questions, its not only your responsibility but also your right. Say no to such politics where the candidates have to depend on outsider support and cant even speak for themselves. If they cant even speak for themselves how do you expect them to speak for YOU !! Its high time that we show these hooligans that politics isnt about money or muscle power but it is about issues. These people are living in a bubble which is going to burst very soon, the needle of awareness is being prepared by people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the greater good.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:19:39 +0000

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