Yesterday when I went to see mother the ventilator was turned down - TopicsExpress


Yesterday when I went to see mother the ventilator was turned down to 4. I was very excited and I told her nurse that I was glad that I had not went along with the trach. I said I think she is ready to come off of the ventilator what have the other doctors said? She told me you know Dr Edwards is in your corner no matter what Dr. Edwards is going to go along with you. And hes also ready to pull the tube and see how she does without it. I asked mother for kiss and she gave it to me, I looked at the nurse and said okay well lets pull the tube. I left to go visit my dad and then I got a call that one of the on-call pulmonologist had came in, and she told him that both Dr Edwards and myself were ready to pull the tube and see how she does without it. This was 40 minutes later she told me that mother had been off the ventilator for 35 minutes and was holding strong. All I could do is say thank you thank you thank you God you are still in the miracle business. We are not done yet but this milestone has proven that she is determined and ready to stay here a little longer with me, and obviously got strengthening her that way means just yet hes not ready to take her home. So in other words mother is off of thereby ventilator!!!!!! I remember the old song, nobody knows the trouble Ive seen. But you know what I said nobody knows the glory of seen.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:31:46 +0000

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