Yesterday, while doing our hive inspection at Zoo to You - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, while doing our hive inspection at Zoo to You Education, the first thing we noticed were a lot of dead bees along the front of the hive entrances. This could mean one of two things - the hives got robbed by a feral swarm, or someone nearby sprayed with pesticides. We quickly concluded the hives were not robbed as they were still full of honey. This left us to question whether it was pesticides. Upon closer inspection of the dead bees, we found this poor girl struggling, trying to rid herself of the nastiness she had flown through. When bees fly through pesticides, they bring that back to the hive, but with the guard bees always on duty, they are not allowed in so not to contaminate the rest if the colony. So these girls fly around in circles and will finally collapse from exhaustion and die. Or, the pesticide will kill them. Either way, pesticides are bad. Look at the bee below the wriggling bee, she still had her pollen sacks full. As a beekeeper, these are our babies, its painful to see them in pain. Its also painful to know that Monsanto and other chemical companies continue to create such deadly concoctions. This leaves us to wonder... If these pesticides are killing our bees and pests, what are they doing to us when ingested through the fruits, vegetables and grains they were made to protect? So we encourage you to buy Organic when ever possible, not just to support our small local farmers, but to support our health too! And remember, bees will forage for up to 5-6 miles, especially in this drought when they have to search farther and farther for food. Therefore, it is difficult to point the finger at any one neighbor. All we ask is, please, think twice before using pesticides. Please share this post with others and help save our bees. #shareslo
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:07:00 +0000

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