Yesterdays flight home was somehow emotional for me. It was - TopicsExpress


Yesterdays flight home was somehow emotional for me. It was exactly 3 weeks after our June trip to Amsterdam that MH17 was brought down. The disbelief that we were flying close to that route still haunts me. And yesterday, as the plane flew pass Moscow, i could see Ukraine just on the right, on the flight data and again i felt a tinge of sadness. At the moment i was in the centre seat with Danial on my right, excitedly explaining to me his 101 research findings and Danish on my left, who refused to take off his shoes but insisted on having his legs stretched on my knees and was super grumpy abt his pillow slipping from the seat.. It was chaotic not knowing to focus on which son while holding back the urge to bite Danishs head off( haha ok just kidding! But seriously😡).. Despite the chaos, my mind drifted back that this could be a similar scenario to one of those families when their plane was being shot down. It made me realise how fragile your life is and sweating over the small things is really not necessary. Enjoy your time with your loved ones, embrace those grumpy and cranky moments with your kids, forget abt being seen as a supermom or throphy wife.. Just embrace the little moments in your life, no matter how boring or mundane it seems. You never know when its your last.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:05:55 +0000

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