Yesterdays inactive reveal: Card/Fairy 1 - 11-THE DRIED FLOWER - TopicsExpress


Yesterdays inactive reveal: Card/Fairy 1 - 11-THE DRIED FLOWER FAIRY “Sweet memories.” This darling little fairy just loves to collect memories and to treasure them, wearing them as garlands, their sweet faded fragrance reminding her of happy times. She helps you by collecting all your happy, sweet memories and keeping them from fading too. She has wings that resemble the wonderful monarch butterfly, which is renowned for the vast distances it can travel. So these memories may be of very long ago – down through the ages, but they are still able to fly to you and reach you with their message of love and sweetness, wherever you currently find yourself. Whenever you experience a difficult and challenging time, the Dried Flower Fairy flies to your side, shows you a moment that you had forgotten, and magickally the present moment transforms. You will always have her with you, most especially in the times when those sweet moments seem furthest away. She will come to you and she will remain with you. Expect Calls out of the blue, bumping into old friends, a photograph of a loved one, or a reminder of happiness coming to you I other sweet and serendipitous ways! The Dried Flower Fairy Speaks. Do you remember that time when you played with the fairies in the garden? Do you remember when your imaginary friend was more real than your own parents? What about the first time you ever noticed your shadow quivering in the light? Swam in the sparkling sea? Held hands or exchanged glances with someone you liked more than ‘just friends’? When you were given a gift for o reason? Hugged by a friend? Had a perfect day/ Found messages from angels in the clouds? You seem to have forgotten all the precious moments, so I’ve been busy gathering them up for you. I now return them to you, so your sadness can be transformed. Let happiness, bliss, and gifts for no reason become possibilities you believe in again! When I see you smile and treasure a moment from the past in the present, I know my work has been done! Divination message: You may soon be experiencing little reminders of some of the sweetest, most fun and uplifting times in your life: the kind that have no great “significance” historically, but in the story that is your life, they are pivotal moments. It could be seeing a rainbow, a star shining bright, or a photograph of your father holding you closely in his arms, or receiving the knowledge and sudden realization that something you did made a large and meaningful difference to someone else’s life. You have so many jewels: it’s time to sift through the precious moments in memory, and by honoring these, and feeling them again, change the present for the better. The magick of your sweetest memories will be worked into the present moment, and that transcendent feeling of being one with all that is will return, giving you the strength to go on, and do what must be done. Card/Fairy 2 - Sewer mermaid Message: Your sensuality is beautiful!!! About the sewer mermaid When the sewer mermaid swims in, she is here to remind you of the treasures you have that you may have labeled bad and perhaps even pushed away, forced underneath. We often have negative thoughts-that we are too short ,too talk, our thighs too large, our breast too small, our hair not right, our face not pretty enough. We speak to ourselves in negative ways, and we begin to feel we are not good enough. And when this takes place, the result can be that we begin to create negative experiences, blockages ,and difficulties. We push people away ,rather than attract them. We hide for fear that what others see will not be good enough .But this mermaid of the hidden spaces is here to show you that your dark thoughts have told you lies about your great beauty: you are your own self, and all that you are is perfect, whole, and complete. The sewer mermaid says that you may try to push her away and refuse to believe that you are beautiful. But when you are ready, she will swim to you and free you from all the harmful ,negative thoughts and experiences, all the sewage. You will begin to believe that no matter what, you are a beautiful being, healthy, attractive, and one who deserves love, respect , and affection. The sewer mermaid speaks: I am here to show you how to believe in yourself - that you are attractive, beautiful ,and worthy of love and respect. I will show you how to see your body as a place of health, delight, and strength, and I will never die or go away, no matter what you have been told, no matter what you have told yourself, and no matter what your society has told you. Lets clean up your physical and mental acts. Lets love all aspects of the physical self. Let us not criticize and hate ourselves, no matter our size, shape or differences. We are all unique expressions of the Divine - and that truth most certainly applies to you. Let us not be ashamed anymore. Let us celebrate who we are, and learn to love the differences, and be grateful for all that we have, are, and will be. The message: Part of you that is natural and beautiful - most likely your body and appearance - has been influenced by thoughts and ideas about it being unworthy, unhealthy, and perhaps even dirty. So, a part of you has had to evolve and exist in a less than healthy way. Its time to clean up your act- not of your natural looks ,but of the way you have thought about yourself! Something beautiful has been treated badly .It is now up to you to begin to reframe your ideas and thoughts and therefore your experiences of yourself ,your body, your worth, your ability to attract others, and to see yourself as worthy of love, respect , and consideration. Let this strong , survivor mermaid show you how to love yourself and your appearance again and rise above the rubbish and stink of negative conditioning regarding your beautiful body and unique self! You are beautiful and very worth loving. This is the only truth that must be told at this time. Card/Fairy 3 - Poe Message: Time for change, to learn something new, to use technology and gadgets with wisdom. About Poe This lovely maiden , named poe after the famously mournful gothic writer Edgar Allen Poe, is working with the constant of change .She is watching technologies advances and assessing them, good and bad, shadows and light. So, too, you must decide what changes you will make to keep up with the shifts not only in energy but in technologies that are available to you. And somehow, you will know exactly when it is the right time to take your use up a level and use technology so it helps you and keeps you connected and strong. The technologies you embrace can be used for good - and can be used to effectively let people know what you can bring to the world! Poe speaks Tick-tock ,tick-tock, times are a changing, and I know you ,too, will change with the times, and yet remain entirely yourself !You will be at once of the ancient past and of the new world that is coming swift as the train that steamed toward me, making me gasp in wonder .Plan carefully, knowing that when you choose to make use of the new technologies ,it will be fearlessly ,gracefully ,and with integrity .All that changes can be put to wholesome, good, and sacred use. The destructive capability of industrialization and pollution and mechanism is one you understand too well. But you also know that some of the changes to choose from can be used for good- not evil! It is time for you to discerningly embrace the technologies that will allow you to realize your dreams! The message We are moving from an industrial world to a postindustrial world, where the nature of time, the way in which we interact with nature, and the way we live with the technology we have created will shape us all. So today, think of what your relationship with technology is. Is it sacred? Are these sacred purposes to which this new tool can be put? If you feel intimidated by technology, choose one area about which you would like to learn. You may wish to be more disciplined about your time spent online, and you may notice you have a talent for technology - for developing communication tools that link people and help us all develop communities for the highest good of all. You may soon become very adept at setting up websites or find you love dabbling in web design, writing software, creating digital art, or posting movies youve made. You may wish to upload performances on the internet to introduce a wider audience to your skills and talents. You may also notice how people today have come to use the internet as a weapon - to bully and harm others - and choose never to use technology in this way. You may have a gift for concept development and have brilliant ideas for new technologies for the future. Whatever it is, it is the right time to truly work with technology in ways that will assist not only you but many other beings, too. Card/Fairy 4 - 16 Angel de Los muertos Message: Transitions to the spirit realm About the angel de Los muertos: This compassionate ,soulful , and most tender of angels has been assigned two tasks. The first is it gently collect and gather souls to take home, where they will rest a whole, before incarnating again. The second is to remove the fear of death and carry away souls who are anticipating sweetness and relief, peace, and a deep, restful time before rebirth. The Angel de Los muertos does not obliterate identity at a soul level, but she certainly gently releases the soul from its body, allows the physical body to return to the earth, and invites the soul to rest a while before choosing-and getting advice from her-on its next incarnation. Her role is to take the fear out of death :to help you to see its transformation, and opportunity ,and new life. She is tender, and warm, and epic. She is kind and compassionate ,and her tears fall as she gathers souls. She can speak to earthbounds, too, and encourages those whose work is done ,whose time has come, to come home for a while and rest, as they deserve ,and as the soul needs. She visits those who are left behind with memories and encourages communication and transformative support messages come through. She knows there is a rainbow bridge between the worlds ,and more than once a year - most especially in Samhain ,the old name for Halloween ,all saints day, or on the anniversary of the passing of a loved one-she helps messages from the departed come through with wisdom and guidance for their children and friends who are still with the living. Her love is boundless, but she has laws that she works within. The Angel of de Los muertos speaks: I being you a message from a loved one :one whose spirit seems to have already departed, but whose physical presence lingers on for now as he or she prepares to depart from this life. I ask you know to acknowledge your loved ones who are resting ,in spirit, or creating new selves for their souls. You may soon be about to meet a beloved in a new form. I ask you to stay open minded about the form in which the soul can come, and I ask you to be open to the message from the loved ancestors. For they have something to tell you, and it will come to you soon, in a vision, or a dream, or a message during a day dream that will bring such sweet tangible proof of what some people still call life after death. There is no death. There is only life, and resting time, and change. Be ready to be comforted and to learn more of the world beyond this world, which is always with you, but is not always believed in, or trusted, even when we send messages to you, as clear as a flag in the sky. The message: The Angel de los Muerto’s appearance in a reading signifies that you must not delay activating this lifetime’s purpose. Her message is not only from those who have passed, but of the truth that you can activate your new life while you are still alive. It is no longer necessary to pass, to re-create the life contract and purpose you have. Do not wish to leave in order to start anew: believe that this life is a constant process of creation and that you are at a point where you can end a pattern, without ending this life. Energy is changing, and death is no longer the greatest reshaper. She comes to visit you now so the fear of mortality passes and so that you understand you can begin to rebirth yourself into a new life, now.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:41:33 +0000

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