Yet ANOTHER delusional fool, going for gold. If the claim isnt - TopicsExpress


Yet ANOTHER delusional fool, going for gold. If the claim isnt enough to have this nutcase hospitalised, the threats of death should be... Please take notice that the Victoria Government in Australia is opening its illegal Parliament on the 23 December 2014 without Queen Elizabeth II the Upper House is Linked to her FRAUD Crimes that MOAI CROWN KING WILLIAM IV ADMIRALTY COURT MARTIAL JURISDICTION LAW Overrules any decisions the SPEAKER of the HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT makes that COMPROMISES and JEOPARDIZES KING WILLIAM IV BRITISH MONARCHY SURROGATE KING OF ENGLAND Internationally Advertised as filled the VACANT POSITION of HEAD TRUSTEE of the MOAI HAPU NATIVE BENEFICIARYS OF QUEEN VICTORIA TRUST FUND based in AOTEA New Zealand as KING WILLIAM IV Commercial Trading Bank Partners of this GOLD TRUST FUND stolen by CEO ELIZABETH WINDSOR and her ACCESSORIES to her FRAUD the VICTORIA STATE GOVERNMENT of Australia KNOWING the EX QUEEN ELIZABETH II is caught up in FRAUD CRIMINAL DRUG TRAFFICKING MURDER TREASON GENOCIDE CHILD RAPE KILLINGS that Australia is Part of the COLLECTION of REVENUE for her H.M.TREASURY the Prime Minster of Australia TONY ABBOT will have to EXPLAIN why ELECT a new Parliament while everyone is eating Christmas dinner his Governments are SKULDUGGERY PIRATES acting in their own Corporate Financial Interests now face MOAI CROWN KING WILLIAM IV LEVY DEBTORS POUND NOTE BILL CHARGE for their Part in ELIZABETH WINDSOR FRAUD. The VICTORIA STATE GOVERNMENT has NO REAL MONARCH Person in Britain that can REFUTE KING WILLIAM IV SURROGATE KINGS BENCH ROYAL REVENUE ORDERS now they face WESTMINSTER GOVERNMENT and MOAI CROWN and KING WILLIAM IV their LEGAL TRADING BANK Commercial LEVY CREDITOR Partner. An OFFICIAL NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT.will be e mailed to teh SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE in the UPPER HOUSE of PARLIAMENT n VICTORIA to REFUTE. It also goes to all the VICTORIA MPS according top WESTMINSTER if you COMPROMISE WESTMINSTER MONARCH SOVEREIGN KING WILLIAM IV and his SURROGATE KING OF ENGLAND John Kahaki Wanoa and his (Wanoa) married > ROGAN English Family of ENGLAND Soil Land Bloodlines to teh THRONE then you will be HUNG or SHOT not arrested but SHOT DEAD on SIGHT by teh BRITISH MILITARY and its CONTRACTORS subject to SCOTLAND GOVERNMENT and ENGLAND GOVERNMENT with me and my Associates there reopresenting me as a BRITISH CITIZEN under KING WILLIAM IV 1835 DECLARATION OF WAR FLAG we HOLD as against any THREATS to our MONARCH WESTMINSTER PARLIAMENT with the QUEEN ELIZABETH II Royal families and Rothschild family REMOVED for Parliament and the LAND back to GERMANY
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:16:37 +0000

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