Yet again it comes to that viewpoint that Homeless people are - TopicsExpress


Yet again it comes to that viewpoint that Homeless people are pests. They make a place that was made for tourists look unwelcoming and so whomever spends the time to look at this problem head on should be punished by the state. This man was apprehended due to handing out meals to the homeless in a residential park. He was arrested and fined $500 along with two ministers from the church they all attended. It really infuriates me when carrying guns is made a fundamental human right but when it comes to feeding others who cannot necessarily feed themselves, its a crime. The man seen below has set up a charity in his late wifes memory to continue doing honorable charitable work around his community without any financial support at all, just through nimble donations and compassion. The regulations that have been set requires groups to be at least 500 feet away from residential areas and food sites are restricted to one per city block. I know charities have criticized the rules as forms of implementing social cleansing and I agree with them. They consider the everyday homeless man a terrorist. He is living proof that their philosophy of the big dream has failed and is in reality a nightmare and so he becomes a splinter to their infrastructure. No attempts are taken to identify the cause because that requires intelligence so its taken the other way with suppressive action. The same thinking is applied to illness, resorting to crippling and over-powering pharmaceuticals being used to numb any kinds of physical or mental disturbances. Thats why folk just get sicker and crime is increasing. The cocktail being made here spills out a message of anti-life. America is wearing away at the bone, but as they say systems are bound to break down sooner or later. Its when individuals surrender all their responsibilities to politicians, doctors and lawyers and say very ominously to take care of me. The rot sets into the root and its just a question of time before something much darker touches the surface.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 22:56:09 +0000

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