Yet again we see the majority being penalized for the actions of a - TopicsExpress


Yet again we see the majority being penalized for the actions of a few. The decision to enforce draconian laws on all residents in the northern beaches is nothing less the future demise of our Australian way of life and places the boys in blue in a trepadis position where they are forced to implement the law upon those who have always, in the past, shown pride and due care for our environment whilst enjoying the opportunity to take their families camping, fishing and quad bike riding. The enforcement of these laws has created anger amongst many in the area-people who are good abiding citizens who only want to enjoy the lifestyle and freedom that has always been associated with living in semi-rural areas all across Australia. By all means we need laws in place to protect both the public and the environment, but, it would have been far better for both council and State governments to consult with those affected and find alternative solutions. Simply banning access to popular spots for camping, fishing and quad bike riding is not good enough instead we have a dictatorship regime that we are seeing happen time and time again with the law makers. Please can they offer areas where communities can access these popular activities and be more informative on where they can go. Let’s face it, if the police are not even sure ,then how can they enforce these laws effectively. The public is only ever informed of changes after the fact and even if they send in submissions are never consulted before the laws are set in concrete. Families and businesses stand to lose out and this in turn only encourages a downturn in our local economy as people are finding it in the too hard basket to bother going on outings any more. We hear of children getting involved in crime and the demise of the family unit –any wonder when we are being stripped of our lifestyle that we hold so dear. Can we not work together and find those alternatives to keep the peace for all? If the council or anyone with land in the northern beaches areas is prepared to set aside a portion for access to camping and riding then maybe more respect will be shown by the public in general to any laws put in place. If there are designated areas for any form of access can this information please be clarified with readily available maps for all in the northern suburbs of Townsville and please can the boat ramps and picnic areas be considered for up grading to encourage all to utilize these. It is bad enough that the government originally saw fit to consider wrecking our reef by dumping dredge soil on it with the risk of killing off much of one of the great wonders of this planet ,ruining millions of opportunities for tourism and the fishing industry when all it would take is to rail this dredge to mine sites where dirty great holes in the ground could be refilled-(but that won’t happen as we don’t have a western rail system adequate enough)-let alone ruin the few free simple pleasures we still have in life.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:42:24 +0000

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