Yet another couple of upcoming projects. The main focus of which - TopicsExpress


Yet another couple of upcoming projects. The main focus of which Ive been planning since July when Round2s 1/1000 USS Reliant model hit the shelves. Like many others I, of course, bought one straight away. Round2 said their aztec decals and extra names would be right behind it, but as we know, they didnt finally ship them until December. In the meantime Aztec Dummy came out with masks for the model which I prefer the look of over decals any day of the week. Also I knew that JT-Graphics was working on a set of decals for the model like they had for other offerings of the ship class. I figured Id wait for those. You see I wanted to name my ship the USS Majestic after the Miranda Class vessel in my favorite Star Trek series, DS9s episode Sacrifice Of Angels. A personal favorite episode and as a lifelong soldier the Majestics throwing herself into a massive Dominion ships beam aimed at DS9 and a Galaxy Class ship was both the equivalent of throwing yourself on a grenade to save your buddies for it gave DS9 and the Galaxy Class (I think it was the Venture) time to pool their firepower and destroy the Dominion ship, and the Majestic gave the Federations answer to the JemHadar who in a kamikaze run in an earlier episode had destroyed the Galaxy Class USS Odyssey during the Federations first engagement with the Dominion. The Majestic went down in flames with her phasers still firing to the last at the Dominion foe. That quick scene among many meant a great deal to me so I was determined to build the Majestic. Finally last month Round2 issued their decals and extra names including the Majestic. But that left me with aztec decals I had no use for because I had the masks. Fortunately I spotted a quick three day sale and bought a second model for just $16.00 so now I can use the decals in building another Miranda Class ship that had also called to me as a soldier, the USS Lantree. Over 35 years of service I have many times seen troops simply be at the wrong place at the wrong time while performing their duties. What happened to the Lantree spoke to me on that level and so is near as important to me as the Majestic. These will be my second and third Miranda Class models. Scott Trusty has completed work on my fantastically tricked out 1/537 DS9 era USS Saratoga which is my most favorite of the Mirandas for reasons entirely too personal to post here. Scotts boxing it up now. Ill have it to show for you soon.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:31:38 +0000

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