Yet another cut from the Introduction to Jacob’s trouble – - TopicsExpress


Yet another cut from the Introduction to Jacob’s trouble – the last sifting of Israel. The role of the Church in the drama at the threshold of the Messiah. By Lars Widerberg (04) “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence. And give him no rest, till he shall establish, and till he shall make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” Isa 62:6-7 The first conclusion to be drawn from this word from the pen of Isaiah, is that Jerusalem has yet to be brought to this peculiar point of praise and integration among the many nations in the earth. Rather, this city comes closer and closer to the fulfilling of the words of Zechariah: “In that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be assembled against it”. The watching and weeping must come to its fullness as service amidst the process of making Jerusalem a stumbling block – a burdensome stone – then, turned into the very marker before all nations, speaking to them about the greatness of God in His dealings with Israel and revealing before them insights – insights hidden in the small Hebraic word “yada” repeated with emphasis with the prophets, the deepest, the most radical as well as practical insight regarding the purposes and presence of the Lord. Israel shall know, and the nations shall know – all men shall know in the deepest sense of meaning… To make it plain upon tables: Our findings regarding the travail of Zion and the vengeance of the Lord to come, will also speak words into a most embarrassing parody on the travail of Zion. The many efforts made by the kingdom of Charismania, a label characterizing certain parts of the modern Church – this petty man-made kingdom which pretends spirituality – the efforts made by this little kingdom to overcome the very dark forces of anti-Semitism and Islam in the days close to Jacob’s trouble is but a parody, even a travesty, compared to that which the Lord is after. The text set before the reader is no less than a trumpet call to “the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God”. The prophetic texts themselves set forth a standard to which we all have yet to attain to and become apprehended by. Rom 12:2 The House of the Lord is Davidic in its nature. The Kingdom which the Lord Jesus presented as a spiritually functional reality is Davidic in its nature. The Kingdom, to be ruled from Zion in the coming days is indeed Davidic in its nature. The apparatus based on the New Covenant – the covenant announced by Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which we have come to call “the Church” ought to be Davidic in its nature. These definitions of what God is after are, all of them, pointing to the priestliness, which lies at the heart of the matter of grace – and of supplication. Priestliness, even better – the cross of Christ breaks in among men as the ultimate self-disclosure of God. The revealing of the cross, ever-present in the heart of the Lord, may break the hardest of hearts. It is meant to break the Jew – the time will come. It is meant to break gentiles – the time has come for such a breaking. The very breaking of the Goyim unto a life lived before God, in Christ, will provoke the Jew to jealousy. The mercy planted – no light sentimentality, God’s mercy planted, God’s own mercy planted among Gentiles will ultimately call for response among His old nation. Rom 6:11 The great catastrophe will come, that which the old prophets calls “Jacob’s trouble” is about to take place, the vengeance of the Lord will come. The great cataclysm at the threshold of the Messiah is not far from its final realization. The days of the restoring of the Tabernacle of David, the reigning of the King and Redeemer according to the protocol of Heaven is indeed about to come. These are events which will take place – they will all take place in their special relation to the covenant scenario which is both hidden and revealed by the old prophets, by the apostles’ writings as well as by the solid statements of the Lord in his talks on the very subject. Jer 30:7, 2 Thess 2:7-8 Ours is an utter eagerness to be involved, properly involved, in the welcoming of the King, when He returns for His Davidic rule in Zion. We are eagerly anticipating the Coming of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ – and I invite you, my dear reader, to toilsome thinking, to much prayer, and to the grace and mercy already stored for you to be presented as substantial testimony to both Jew and Gentile as we all move close to the coming of the One who alone is able to rule according to heavenly patterns, to rule davidically in Zion. -- -- -- Further reading to be found at: One final Sifting - Israel and the Church during Jacobs trouble Via Widerberg’s FB wall
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:42:09 +0000

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