Yet another example of how there is intended good and accidental - TopicsExpress


Yet another example of how there is intended good and accidental bad in each and every one of us. While at the gym on Sunday as I was between sets of a side pull shoulder exersize a fairly elderly woman, shaped not unlike the offspring of a pear and a Weeble, who stood no more than 4 feet tall, asked me kindly to help her swap the rope pull for a handlebar pull on the adjacent Lat pull down machine. She was very sweet and didnt want to interupt my routine, but I stopped what I was doing and rendered assistance. I went to the rack of handles and conferred with her the style she wanted equipped. She seemed to know what she wanted and how to use it, she simply couldnt reach the bar as it is well over 6ft in the air at its resting position. Add to this the dexterity needed to hold in the caribiner style hook and remove and replace the new bar... It was just beyond her means. I was happy to help, and the thought that I looked approachable, and that this was the kind of gym where everyone really does help each other out warmed my heart. I hooked the new bar on, and as she took the seat below it I pulled it down close enough for her to reach and begin her exersize. Thank you so very much, dear, she said, I never would have gotten that started without you. Im sorry if I disrupted your routine. I replied in the negative, saying it was my pleasure to be of assistance. I turned then and stepped back to the adjacent machine to finish my set - grabbing the handle with my left hand, facing now away from the sweet old lady, I began to pull the weight towards myself. Straining against the weight as I pulled the line toward my body, tensing up all the muscles in my torso... I farted, directly at the old lady.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:20:29 +0000

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