Yet another lie straight from the mouth of our HYPOCRITICAL - TopicsExpress


Yet another lie straight from the mouth of our HYPOCRITICAL DUPLICITIOUS DELUSIONAL POTUS, Barack Insane Obama Bin Lyin. On Sept. 15, Pres. Obama appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” where he said 80 or 90 percent of Americans agreed with him on gun control, but legislation couldn’t be passed because of an obstinate “faction of the Republican Party.” The comment was in response to Stephanopoulos’ question about why Obama’s first term platform has seemingly disappeared in his second term. “You put gun control at the top of the agenda, immigration reform, climate change—all of it’s stalled or reversing,” Stephanopoulos said. “How do you answer the argument that beyond the deficit, this has been a lost year, and how do you save it?” First, Obama blamed the failure of the extremely controversial immigration bill on Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner. Then he addressed gun control, asserting that a supermajority of Americans was on his side and that Republicans in Congress were the problem. “The problem we have is we have a faction of the Republican Party, in the House of Representatives in particular, that view compromise as a dirty word, and anything that is either remotely associated with me, they feel obliged to oppose,” Obama said. Obama comments were completely off base, as the Republican Party continues to represent their constituents, as opposed to only Democrats, the way Obama does. A recent poll conducted by CBS & the New York Times shows half the country supports more strict gun laws and the other half either thinks they should be kept the same or reduced. By why not just blame everything on Republicans? Unfortunately, it’s been working for Obama. RELATED: Obama Enacts Gun Control Without Congress’ Consent youtube/watch?v=ZVdIBN-0qjQ
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:04:12 +0000

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