Yet another summary: Well most of what I say is now easily proven. - TopicsExpress


Yet another summary: Well most of what I say is now easily proven. If you dispute the following you are just purely wrong: The elites have a network, 9 11 was an inside job coordinated between the bohemian grovers and Saudi Royalty and Saudi intelligence, the censored documents covering Saudi intelligence involvement is finally coming out. Yes they are child rapists, Island of Jersey is the biggest cover up along with Bonacci at bohemian grove, who said he was raped and witnessed a snuff film in front of a giant owl in the woods, before he had even heard of bohemian grove, also a load of his fellow witnesses family started getting murdered after the accusations persisted. False flags are real, take operation Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin (which launched the entire Vietnam war) are all now admitted to be false flag attacks. Yes the bankers are rigging the market to their advantage (e.g. The LIBOR scandal), Greg Palast (accredited Journalist) was given the memo that proves the elites caused the financial crash on purpose. Finally without a shadow of a doubt we are on the cusp of a world war, you cant argue with that, the German foreign minister has said it, along with people at the top of the Kremlin and leading financial experts. So the big question in all of this is the world just more random than planned and its the elites just improvising as they go along or are all these events planned and the elite network today traces back to the original illuminati? Well logically it has to be planned as Ive said many a time Pikes letter was in a book 14 years before world war 2 (according to S Brent Morris)(the author: cardinal Rodriguez said the letter was real), it predicted the outcome and causes of world war 2 perfectly - once you realise Rothschild planned to take Israel long before world war 2 and that the skull and bones society financed the rise of Hitler (skull and bones is a chapter of the Illuminati) and that Rothschild and his cronies were at the heart of the Bank for international settlements which looted Czech gold for the nazis and kept the nazi economy in business - you have to realise that the letter being in a book 14 years before was no freak coincidence.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:12:36 +0000

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