Yet another wonderful addition to WWOOF Romania! We are a half - TopicsExpress


Yet another wonderful addition to WWOOF Romania! We are a half Swedish, half German couple with one small child. Both coming from the city we decided to live our dream of an honest life on the countryside. We both have experience of country life, farming and taking care of animals. Johanna has wwoofing experience from many countries, including Romania! We stay in a small house in the village and enjoy visits from friends and neighbors. Our farming has not started yet as we are currently reconstructing and repairing our house, the stable and so on. We do have a large fruit garden that has been used as meadow for about 20 years. To re-cultivate that area, based on organic principles and permaculture is one of many tasks at hand. As soon as the urgent repairs of the buildings are done we will begin with goat farming and cheese making. --------------------- Inca o ferma noua, inca o oportunitate de voluntariat la WWOOF Romania! Suntem un cuplu suedez-german cu un copil mic. Amandoi venim de la oras, si am hotarat sa ne urmam visul de a duce o viata simpla si onesta la tara. Amandoi avem experienta vietii la tara si de a avea grija de animale. Johanna a lucrat in multe tari prin intermediul WWOOF, inclusiv in Romania. Momentan locuim intr-o mica casa din sat si ne bucuram de vizitele prietenilor si ale vecinilor. Inca nu am inceput activitatea de fermieri, deoarece suntem inca in faza de reconstructie, reparatii si imbunatatire la casa, grajduri samd. Avem o gradina destul de mare care a fost folosita ca si faneata in ultimii 20 de ani. Una dintre multele sarcini pe care le avem de indeplinit este sa re-cultivam aceasta gradina urmand principii ale permaculturii si a gradinaritului organic.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 08:48:59 +0000

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