Yet there is a profession to kill, rape, arson, destruction etc - TopicsExpress


Yet there is a profession to kill, rape, arson, destruction etc brutal nonsense legally. Thus, there is war to do the so. Therefore, are the protectors of such heinous profession civilized, elegant and well mannered? Are they not against humanity? Was the said profession introduced for well being of human being? No. Sure, masters has introduced such inhuman profession to protect their sectarian parasitic interest. No doubt, masters were the ruler of dark age, but now? There was shortage of even feeding items and they were not only ignorant about the Earth but also the proper utilization of natural resources to produce the required things. But now? The moribund capitalist society has been suffering from over production- the effect new and newest instruments of production to use the natural resources by multilateral way to increased the production. Not less than $ 80 Trillion was stock in the year of 1913 but total production of the world was not more that $ 70 Trillion. Moreover, there are so many institutions including education and information to communicate the latest information to enlightened peoples to increased the production too. Furthermore, there are so many so-called civil society groups to spread the so-called civil ideas to developed the civil sense and well mannered behaviors to up lifting the standard of people. No doubt, there are so many so- called humanist groups are working to protect the so-called Declaration of Universal Human Rights-1948 by UN and many more of others. But, none of them is against such inhuman profession to end the inhumanity. Nothing but the private property is cause of such foul games of all mentioned groups and politicians by protecting such vile profession, which is nothing but not only crime against humanity but also shame of capitalist class. Undoubtedly, working class will free the whole human being from such shame by disappearing the such heinous but legal profession by disappearing the private property by their united forceful action globally. So, the human being will be free from the all such nonsense parasitic profession thus, there are all are in real term gentle, well mannered and polite therefore, there is uninterrupted peace, where there is no political boarder thus, its a classless society.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:58:07 +0000

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