Yezidis that are calling all Muslims bad and terrorists because of - TopicsExpress


Yezidis that are calling all Muslims bad and terrorists because of the action of ISIS. Not even .001% fraction of the Islamic religion itself. Islam is the religion to 2.2 BILLION people since 2011 and it has been the number one fastest growing religion since 9/11.. Make sure you read this carefully, no hate or anything against anyone. Just defending my innocent people JUST LIKE YOU ARE! Do you guys remember Dua Khalil Aswad? The 17 year old Yezidi girl that was stoned to death by her Yezidi family, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, everyone in the family including neighbors. Approximately 2,243 Yezidis stood around in a circle and cheered her family on while they were throwing CHUNKS of STONES on her. The incident took place in Bashika. But FIRST, they stripped her naked to symbolize that she had dishonored her family and religion. After her death in the town square, Aswads body was tied behind a car and dragged through the streets. She was buried with the remains of a dog, to disrespect her. WHY ALL THIS?? Because she was in LOVE with a MUSLIM guy. ,, now, we can easily judge ALL the yezidis and call you guys murderers because of what a small fraction of your people did. How ignorant would that be of any human to judge a religion based on a group of criminals/cowards?? There is some 600,000 of Yezidis but 2.2+ Billion Muslims walking on Earth right now. NOW, MUSLIMS stand against these cowards (ISIS) as well. They attacked Muslims first because we DID not accept them as Muslims and true followers of Islam they killed over 15,000 of Muslims left to right to gain our power and religion... can go on and on. My point is STOP JUDGING A RELIGION BASED ON A GROUP OF SICK PHUCKS! Have a nice day. #StopISIS Humanity before Religion
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 22:28:06 +0000

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