Yi Jin Jing (Tendon & Muscle Changing) Daoyin Yoga According to - TopicsExpress


Yi Jin Jing (Tendon & Muscle Changing) Daoyin Yoga According to the tradition at Shaolin Monastery, it states that the renown Indian monk Bodhidharma, founder of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, sat in meditation facing a wall at the Shaolin Temple for nine years. Four hundred years after his death, the plaster wall in which he faced while in retreat had become very badly damaged due to water leakage from the roof of the temple, so effort was made to restore this wall along with its accompanying frescos. During these renovations the monks discovered two boxes hidden within the plaster wall. The boxes contained two books, both reportedly written in Sanskrit and attributed to Bodhidharma himself. One was entitled the Yi Jin Jing, (Tendon Altering Sutra), and the other entitled the Xi Sui Jing, (Marrow Washing Sutra). The Yi Jin Jing (Tendon Altering Sutra) is a non-religious longevity method, whose principles later became the foundation for physical training, exercise, and rehabilitation. Virtually all martial arts in Asia developed in accordance with the principles and methods set forth in the Yi Jin Jing as foundation, and to this day the lineage of this particular practice is maintained by the Shaolin Temple. The benefits of daily Yi Jin Jing practice are said to confer longevity, and to protect the body against illness and stagnation. The movements come together to present a moving yoga method that is said to both enhance the body, and also keep the bodys bio-electric energy (Qi) flowing smoothly, and evenly. The result of which is said to allow the body to create its own medicine, and thereby conferring longevity. However there are variations within the Yi Jin Jing practice depending on what one is trying to achieve. In general practice for balancing and restoring the bodys energy, and for the purpose of aiding rehabilitation, the soft form as presented in this video is very appropriate. However if one is undertaking physical training in order to build the body, then the hard version will incorporate isometric muscle exercise by utilizing the addition of hand held weights. The Shaolin Monks can oftentimes be seen practicing some of these movements while grasping a vase full of water with each hand. But for modern training purpose in building the body, and for convenience, one can begin with the use of light hand held weights. According to traditional verbal formulas, and in respects to rehibilitation we have that: 1) The first year of training gives back physical and mental vitality. 2) The second year enhances blood circulation and nurtures meridians. 3) The third year allows flexibility to muscles and nurtures the organs. 4) The fourth year improves meridians and nurtures viscera. 5) The fifth year washes the marrow and nurtures the brain. ------------------- From The Text of The Twelve-Stances of Yi-Jin-Jing (aka Tendon-Altering Sutra) 预备式 预备式身体正直站立,脚尖外撇,两脚与肩同宽。 周身放松,澄心敛神。 两臂自然下垂,紧贴两大腿外侧,下颔微收,两眼半睁半闭。 做三次深呼吸。 Preparation Stance Stand upright, slightly point toes outward, and keep feet shoulder width. Relax your entire body, clear your heart, and keep your mind focused. Let arms hang naturally and keep them close to the outside of your thighs. Tighten your chin slightly. Keep your eyes half closed half open. Take three deep breaths. 第一式韦驮献杵 身体正直,两脚跟靠拢,两脚尖外撇,成小八字形。 两臂向前缓缓举起,手心相对,与肩同宽。 举至肩平屈肘成90度角,立掌,同时吸气。 而后缓慢合掌于胸前,同时呼气臆想四肢之气调入胸中,定式后静停一分钟。 1st Stance: Skanda Presenting the Vajra Pestle Stand in an upright position, keep two heels close, and slightly point toes outward like the Chinese character eight. Keep arms shoulder width, slowly raise arms forward, palms facing each other. Raise arms until they are at shoulder height, fold forearms inward so each elbow is at a 90-degree angle. Bent palms backwards while breathing in. Then slowly put palms together in a prayer position in front of your chest. Breathe out at the same time and imagine that you are directing inner energy flows from your limbs into your chest. Hold the position for one minute. 第二式横担降魔杵 接上式,身体不动,两臂缓缓下落,并逐渐分手。 两手落到丹田时稍停片刻,再下落时分向两侧,经大腿外侧向上成俯掌侧平举,两脚跟提起。 手臂下落时要意沉丹田,平举时气随手行入掌心。 呼吸自然,心平气和。 定式后静停一分钟。 2nd Stance: Shoulders Carrying the Vajra Pestle Continue from the last stance, slowly lower two arms without moving the body and gradually move arms outward. Stop briefly when your two hands reach the Dan-Tian (lower abdomen) region. Then lower your hands while moving them outward and let your hands move past the outer side of your thighs before bringing your arms upwards on the sides with palms facing down. Raise your arms until they are even with shoulder height. Raise your heels to stand on your toes. When lowering your arms, you must submerge you mind into the Dan-Tian region. When raising your arms on the side, direct the energy flow from each arm into the center of your palm. Breathe naturally and maintain a peaceful and calm mind. Hold the position for one minute. 第三式掌托天门 接上式,身体不动,两臂由两侧同时缓缓上举,举至正上方时与肩同宽,此时屈肘翻掌,手心向上,掌指相对,双臂成U字形状,并尽力上托,同时尽力提踵,并咬牙叩齿,舌抵上颚,咽津液下送丹田。 接看两脚跟外开,两臂缓缓下落至侧平举。 下落时由小指到拇指依次弯曲握拳,两脚跟随之下落,手足还原。 两臂由平举向上举时吸气,至托掌时略闭气或自然呼吸。 定式后约静停半分钟。 3rd Stance: Palm Lifting the Heavenly Gate Continue from the last stance. While keeping the body static, slowly raise arms from the side until they are at shoulder width. Now bend the elbows and turn your palms so your palms are facing upward and the tips of your hands are pointing at each other. The two arms should be in a U-shape. Push hands upward with strength and at the same time raise your heels off the ground. Grit your teeth and push the palate with your tongue. Swallow saliva down to the Dan-Tian (lower abdomen) region. Then turn your heels outward and slowly lower your arms to the side until they form a straight line with your shoulders. While lowering the arms, bend your fingers inward in order, pinky first and thumb last, and lower your heels back to the ground. Inhale while changing your arm position from flat on your sides to a lifting position. Once reaching the lifting position hold your breath shortly or breathe naturally. After the stance is completed, hold the position for half a minute. 第四式摘星换斗 接上式,左臂由上经左下侧划弧,落于背后,手心向下,并尽力下按。 右掌心翻向内下,臂上举,掌心向下﹔同时脖子向右扭转90度,头上仰,目视右掌。 转颈时右脚跟提起内转与左脚成丁字步。 身体重心在左脚(左图)。 定式后静停约半分钟,仿三五次深呼吸。 然后右手下落,左手上举,向左做摘星换斗(右图)。 4th Stance: Picking Off Stars and Change the Big Dipper Continue from the last stance. Move left arm downward in a circular motion until it is behind your back with palm facing down and push palm down with strength. Turn the right palm downward and raises the right arm with palm facing down; at the same time turn your head 90 degrees to the right. Lift your head slightly to stare at your right palm. While turning your head, lift the right heel and rotate it so it makes up a T-step with your left foot. Keep your body weight on the left foot (see left figure). Hold the position for about half a minute and take 3-5 deep breaths. Then lower your right hand and raise your left hand to perform the stance on the other side. 第五式倒拽九牛尾 接上式,左手由上经左侧至左胯外侧,掌心向上,手指内屈,右手由背后伸至肩高时屈肘,变成虚握拳,上体与左腿成一条斜线,与地面约成45度。 右脚向右跨一步,同时向右转体90度成右弓步势,右膝关节弯曲,膝盖不超过脚尖,外形动作似用力拉车状。 呼吸自然,意念两手心。 然后身体左转,左脚向前上一步,左手伸向前,右手伸向后,动作相同,方向相反(右图)。 5th Stance: Pulling Nine Bulls by Their Tails Continue from the last stance. Move left hand downward past the left side of your body until it reaches the outside of the left hip. Turn palm facing upward and bent the fingers inward slightly. Raise the right hand up from behind your back until the arm is at shoulder height, then bend the elbow and transform palm into a hallow fist. The upper body and the left leg should now be inclined to form a 45 degree angle with the ground. Move right foot one step to the right and at the same time turn your body right 90 degrees and from a front stance toward the right. Bend the right knee but the knee should not exceed the toes of the right foot. The posture resembles pulling hard on a wagon. Maintain natural breathing and focus your mind on the two palms. Then turn your body left and take a step forward with your left foot. Reach the left hand forward and extend the right hand back. The movements are the same just to the opposite direction. 第六式出爪亮翅 接上式,右腿用力蹬地,向前上一步,落于左脚内侧,成立正姿势。 两臂均回收于腰间,拳心朝上。 然后两拳变掌,同时向前推掌,掌心向前,指尖与肩斋平。 向前推掌要重如推山。 推掌时意想推窗望月,返回时五指微张,慢慢收向两胁,意想海水返潮。 反覆七次。 6th Stance: White Crane Spreading Wings and Extending Claws Continue from the last stance. Firmly push the ground with the right leg and then take a step forward so the right foot lands next to the inside of your left foot and you are standing straight (the Attention position in military drills). Retract both arms back next to your waist still holding fists with the palm side facing upward. Then open the fists and shift hands into the palm form. At the same time push your palms forward. The centers of your palms should be facing forward, and the finger tips should be at shoulder height. Push palms forward as though you were pushing a giant mountain. Imagine that you are pushing windows open so you can appreciate the beauty of the moon when pushing palms forward. When retracting the arms, slightly separate the fingers and slowly retract arms back to the sides of your waist. Imagine the tidal waves retracting to the ocean. Repeat seven times. 第七式九鬼拔马刀 接上式,两臂分开成侧平举,手心向上。 然后右臂屈肘,右手至头后,腰略弯,头略左摆,食指中指第一关节夹住左耳垂,食指微提,中指微下压,并轻轻向右牵拉。 同时左肘弯曲,左手背贴背部上移于两肩胛之间,尽力上抬,手指向上,并向左转体;微屈膝,低头看右脚背。 而后身体慢慢恢复原势, 头左转向后看(左图)。 定式后约静立半分钟。 反方向再仿一次(右图)。 7th Stance: Nine Ghosts Drawing the Saber Continue from the last stance. Open your arms and move to the side at should height with the palms facing up. Then bend the right arm and reach your right hand behind your head. Bend your waist slightly and lean your head to the left slightly. Use the first joint of the index finger and the middle finger to grip the left earlobe. Lift gently with the index finger while pushing down gently with the middle finger and pull gently to the right. At the same time bend the left elbow and place the back of your left hand upward so it is between the two shoulders. Raise your left hand as high as possible. Point the fingers upward and turn your body left. Bend knees slightly and look down at the top of the right foot. Then slowly return body to the original position. Turn your head to the left and look behind your shoulder (see left figure). After completing the stance stand still for about half a minute. Then perform and stance in opposite direction once. 第八式三盘落地 接上式,左脚向左跨一步,两脚尖外撇。 两臂侧平举,掌心向下。 而后两腿弯曲成骑马蹲裆势,同时两掌下按,与膝齐平。 然后两臂外旋,两手翻为仰掌,两腿同时缓缓伸直站立,两臂随之慢慢上抬成侧平举。 下按时呼气,意念两掌心,如按浮木﹔上抬时吸气,仿佛两掌心放有重物。 反覆做三至五次。 8th Stance: Three Bases Dropping to the Ground Continue from the last stance. Take a step left with the left foot and point the feet outward. Hold your arms out flat at the side of the body at shoulder height with palms facing down. Then squat down into a horse stance and pushing downward with both palms at the same time until they are at knee height. Then rotate both arms outward and turn both palms to face up. Slowly straighten both legs to stand up at the same time and naturally raise both arms so they are flat at the side of the body. Exhale when pushing down and set your mind on the center of the two palms as if you were pushing down floating logs in water. Inhale when raising the palms as if there were heavy objects inside the two palms. Repeat three to five times. 第九式青龙探爪 接上式,左脚回收于右脚内侧,成立正姿势。 左臂屈肘收回于左腰间。 同时右肘微屈,吸气,上体向左扭腰转体,右手向体前探爪抓去,并吐气发出“嘘”声,此时要求腰腹放松。 右手回收,向左46度方向做第二次探爪,再收回向左90度方向做第三次探爪。 然后,头带动躯干沿逆时针方向转动一小周,右手随之书一小圆(上图)。 两眼随右爪瞭望,如寻食状。 每次探爪均发出“嘘”声。 探爪时右臂一伸一缩,身体随之转后。 然后右手收回腰间,左手以同样动作向右探爪(下图)。 9th Stance: Green Dragon Waving Its Claws Continue from the last stance. Retract left foot back next to the right foot in an Attention position (like in military drills). Bend the left elbow and retract left arm next to the left side of the waist. Meanwhile, bend the right elbow slightly, inhale, turn the upper torso to the left, reach forward with the right hand in a dragon claw, exhale and make a “Shu” sound. Remember to relax the waist and abdomen for this stance. Retract the right hand back and then reach out the second time 46 degrees to the left with a dragon claw. Retract again and then reach out a third time 90 degrees to the left. Next, let the head lead the torso and make a small circular movement counterclockwise. Then make a circular movement with the right hand (see upper figure). Glance following the left claw hand as if hunting for preys. Make the “Shu” sound each time when reaching out with the claw hand. Extend and retract the right arm when executing the dragon claw. Turn your body afterwards. Then retract right hand back to the waist side and reach out with the left hand in dragon claw to the right. 第十式卧虎捕食 接上式,左臂回收于腹前,右脚向右跨一步,同时向右转体90度,上体顺势前倾,两掌手心向右前方下扑,如卧虎捕食。 此时两掌落地,成右弓步,昂首环视(上图)。 然后以双手手指支撑全身重量,左腿屈膝成90度,左脚抬离地面,脚心朝上﹔两臂一伸一屈,身体上下起伏。 做三至五次。 而后两手离地,手心翻向上,体向左后转180度,两手掌再翻向下,再做卧虎捕食动作,唯方向相反(下图)。 10th Stance: Crouching Tiger Hunting for Prey Continue from the last stance. Retract the left arm back to the stomach. Take a step to the right with the right foot and at the same time turn 90 degrees to the right. Lean the upper body forward following the natural flow of the movement and pounce forward with both palms facing down like how a crouching tiger pounces on its prey. Both palms should reach the ground while the legs are in a right front stance. Raise your head and look around (see upper figure). Next use fingers from both hands to support your entire body weight. Bend the left knee to 90 degrees and lift the left foot off the ground and turn the bottom of the foot upward. One arm should be in extended position while the other one is bent. Shift your body up and down for three to five times. Then raise both hands with palms facing upward and turn your body 180 degrees to the left. Turn the palms to face downward again and execute the crouching timer pouncing on prey move, only in opposite direction. 第十一式打躬击鼓 接上式,右脚落地,起身向右转90度,右脚向左脚收半步,距离与肩同宽,成下蹲势。 两手抬至头侧后方,掌心按压两耳,周身放松,中、食、无名指稍屈,轻轻叩击枕骨处,两手交替进行,各叩击七次,谓之”鸣天豉”。 鸣豉后双手抱后脑,缓缓向前弯腰,头垂于裆间至最大程度,膝挺直,如打躬状。 鸣天豉时身体先向左转90度,再向右转180度,再向左转90度。 弯腰垂头时牙关咬紧,作细微自然呼吸。 重复做三遍。 11th Stance: Bowing Down and Beating the Heavenly Drum Continue from the last stance. Put the right foot down to the ground and stand back up. Turn 90 degrees to the right to return to facing front. Move right foot half step toward the left foot so they are at shoulder width and then squat. Raise both hands above your head and then lower them behind the head until your palms cover your ears. Relax the whole body. Slightly bend the index fingers, the middle fingers, and the ring fingers and gently tap the occipital bone with alternating hands. Tap seven times with each hand. This is called “Beating the Heavenly Drum.” After beating the drum hold the back of the head with both hands and slowly bent forward until your head cannot go any lower between your crotches. Keep the knees straight as if you are bowing down. When beating the heavenly drum, turn your body 90 degrees to the left first, next turn 180 degrees to the right and then turn 90 degrees to the left. Clench your teeth while bending forward and take small breathes naturally. Repeat three times. 第十二势:掉尾势 两腿开立,双手仰掌由胸前徐徐上举至头顶,目视掌而移,身立正直,勿挺胸凸腹;十指交叉,旋腕反掌上托,掌以向上,仰身,腰向后弯,目上视;然后上体前 屈,双臂下垂,推掌至地,昂首瞪目。呼气时,屈体下弯,脚跟稍微离地;吸气时,上身立起,脚跟着地;如此反复21次。收功:直立,两臂左右侧举,屈伸7 次。 12th Stance: Swinging the Tail Stand with legs spread open. Slowly raise your hands past your chest and above your head, palms facing upward. Fix your stare on your palms as they move. Keep your body upright and don’t pull back shoulders or hold out your bosom. With ten fingers crossed, rotate your wrists and then lift upward with palms facing up. Extend the upper body and bend your waist backward while looking up. Then bend your body forward with both arms stretching out on the side and touch the ground. Lift your head and open your eyes wide. When exhaling, bend forward and at the same time lift the back heels off the ground slightly. When inhaling, return upper body back to standing position and land the back heels back to the ground. Repeat 21 times. To finish the exercise, stand in upright position and raise your arms from the side. Bend and extend the arms 7 times. -------------------------- Sources: Shifu Yan Lei - Shaolin Temple UK Lanny Lin (Translation) - lannyland.blogspot/ Shifu Heng Yi - Shaolin Temple Europe Wikipedia - Yi_Jin_Jing
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:19:10 +0000

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