Yikes, I dont understand why some Deaf people would fall for - TopicsExpress


Yikes, I dont understand why some Deaf people would fall for Purples new product called SmartVP, and I will never support neither Purple or ZVRS because of inside of their businesses that many Deaf people dont know. There are numerous reasons that Im not in favor and support their companies, especially on how they have been crooking with Deaf community and its people. On other side about ZVRS is one of most crooked companies due to their hidden relationships with CSD, Ben Soup (I know I spelled his last name incorrect, but I always name his last name as Soup anyway) that causing NAD becomes a weakening organization unlike before Ben Soup jumped in these soups. CSD has and continually causes many troubles and problems among Deaf community (long story if I have to explain it to you detailed), especially Ben Soup raked a lot money by abusing private non-profit organizing status. Im not talking about few thousands, as I am talking about over 500,000 dollars (I believe nearly one million dollar) into his pocket until he was busted by government. Thats why CSD is not really visually like in early 2000s. Ben have gotten away with it, and sets up different companies (several different structures methods) Yes, at beginning Ben has tried to get away from what he already earned from Deaf community by founded ZVRS! And for some reasons Ben has to keeping himself distance away and not visually from ZVRS. Again, the bottom line these companies are already plagued with NAD, and even Gallaudet University because (not only because of this one person) Ben Soup is still playing the big role behind on Deaf university as Board of Trustee and feeding off with many board of officers of NAD via ZVRS employees. Thats why our current National Association of the Deaf (nAD) is full of corrupted like there is no way to making this organization more healthy, stronger unless these crooked people are out of the picture. Why did I bring up about ZVRS when this vlog is not ZVRS, but Purple? There are some reasons that I know, and I dont trust Purple VRS company about their some relationships with and within Deaf community. I always look ZVRS, CSD, Purple and some other Deaf related businesses and organizations as dirty business. I notice some Deaf people continue to click, click and click like on Facebook for their companies. Seriously, you need to peeling your eyes, gaining your awareness and doing your homework before you just click liking, support and feed to these crooked companies who are taking the advantages and harming the Deaf community. Thats why I choose Convo company, as I know they dont have fancy equipment, but a business or any non-profit like Convo is trustable, Run By and Of Deaf owners/people without any crooked Deaf people. Unfortunately, many Deaf people would fall for fancy products or cheesy advertisement vlog like this by Purple company. Dont Fall for Anything, Paying Attention to What We Can Empowerment Our Deaf Community and Be Smart & Caution! youtube/watch?v=zJ2aUO9RPO4
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:08:59 +0000

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