Yin Characteristics..........Yang Characteristics Black - TopicsExpress


Yin Characteristics..........Yang Characteristics Black ...........White Night ...........Day Female ...........Male Receptive .......... Active Yielding ...........Dominating Negative ........... Positive Supports ...........Creative Nurtures ...........Initiates Shady- Hillside ...........Sunny- Hillside Valleys ...........Hills Water ..........Fire Metal ...........Wood Earth ............Air The elements shape and colour association: Fire Red, orange, purple – pointed, triangle, pyramid, flame shapes. Earth Yellow, brown, soft orange – flat, square, low even. Wood Pale blue, soft green – high narrow shapes. Metal White, silver, gold, grey – oval, round, flowing arches. Water Dark blue, black – curves, wavy shapes, sinuey shapes. Good Feng Shui In order to create good feng shui in your home you require a balance of yin and yang elements, too much yin creates stagnation, no movement, isolation. Too much yang and you have, things breaking down, destruction, agitation, mayhem, chaos. The Elements There are five elements and they manifest in different forms, fire, earth, wood, water, metal. The Elements and their Qualities Wood..creative; innovative; flexible; socialable; green; east - southeast. Fire..energetic; enthusiasm; risk taking; leader; red; south Earth..stability; patience; smothering; nurturing; yellow; southwest - northwest Metal..harvest; business; success; justice; white; west - northwest Water..travel; communication; art; gentle; black; north Based on the clockwise movements around the Pa kua, the elements interact with each other in cycles, once you familiarise yourself with these cycles, you can then selectively plan the placements of furniture and items in your home. The energies contained within the five elements: Fire – This is an excitable energy, it offers growth and movement, it is fast moving yet the high intensity fire energy can deplete your energy and cause stress. Earth – Being receptive, feeling settled, commitment, grounded yet too much earth causes depression, lethargy, sluggishness, feeling restricted, weighed down, held back. Metal – Drawing in, contraction, clarity, focus, the energy of metal can be too strong and make you hyper critical, acid tongued, insensitive. Wood – Growth, movement, beginnings, action, an overabundance of wood energy causes aggression, irritation, short tempered, impatient, lacking compassion and empathy. Water – Water connects and conducts, it helps meeting and joins elements together, it is flowing but too much water can make you uncertain and indecisive. Each of the five elements has an affect on your life every day, your energy can be lifted or depleted depending on what surrounds you. Water – If you feel you are in a rut in your life in general the fluidity of water helps shift things, this can be in your business, work, family relationships, friendships and in the area of personal relationships. Metal – If you are studying and need to concentrate the energy of metal will help this, it works like the amethyst crystal by calming and clearing the mind. Metal works especially well when you are feeling overwhelmed and what to be more organised. Wood – For new beginnings wood helps to bring elements together, it can smooth the way especially when there are important projects on the boil. It is especially useful when a number of matters need attention. Fire – For passion, energy, action, warmth and intensity in all areas of your life. Fire is a powerful element to work with, handle with care, recognizing the potency of the element. Earth – When you want to feel more grounded earth energy is essential, especially if there are any disruptive or unsettling energies around you or your home. It helps with commitment and brings stability and balance The Productive Cycle...... Increase prosperity by enhancing the southwestern corner of your room with (fire) a candle flame, (wood) a jade plant, (metal) a bowl of coins, (water) a water feature or goldfish in a bowl. Enhance your love life by paying attention to the southwest which is the love corner, (fire) place a red lamp, a candle, (wood) a red rose or bunch of roses, (metal) a metal clock, (water) a picture, a fish figurine, a statue or painting of a fish. To become well known or famous, enhance the Southwestern wall in your home, using (fire) a red painting, a red wall, a red light, (wood) a bamboo plant, (metal) a small metal statue, (water) a water feature. For your health and wellbeing the center of your home is the hub. In the center of your dining table (fire) place a candle holder with one or more candles, (wood) have a wooden bowl with nuts in it or fruit, (metal) silver salt and pepper shakers, or silver condiment holder, (water) vase with flowers or a container of water with floating candles. The productive elements, fire produces earth (ash), earth creates metal, metal liquefies, water nurtures flowers and plants, burning wood creates fire. The Destructive Cycle...... The placement of objects affecting your love life, would be the following items grouped together (fire) such as fireplace or candle, (metal) a dishwasher, (wood) a bamboo plant or palm (wood), (earth) placed beside a globe of the world, (water) placed next to a kettle, or water heated. Worries regarding your reputation will require you to pay attention to your Southern wall. A destructive placement would be (fire) broken lamp or light bulb, next to a (metal) statue or wind chimes, (wood) near a bookshelf next to (water) water feature or fish tank nearby. Health concerns could be created by the destructive cycle of a group of objects (metal) fridge next to (fire) oven, next to a (wood) table near (earth) plants, (water) near a sink, water feature or fish tank. Balancing the Elements....... Fire rebalances Wood, Wood rebalances Water, Water rebalances Metal, Metal rebalances Earth, Earth rebalances Fire, Fire rebalances water. Auspicious home location (good feng shui): Vegetation green and lush Gentle occasional winds Land formation which is higher at the back of the property and has land lower at the front is known as the “frog” formation. Waterfall naturally flowing Lake Streaming with gently moving water Pristine drainage Rolling hills Inauspicious home location (bad feng shui): Anywhere near stagnant water Swamp Near a highway Fast moving water Flat plot of land exposed to the elements Opposite a street with oncoming traffic Barren land with no vegetation Opposite a public institution – library – church – school
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:12:18 +0000

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