Yin & yang and Bible In the East they did not know God’s - TopicsExpress


Yin & yang and Bible In the East they did not know God’s existence what the Bible describes. I think how wise old sages were and they found the existence of yin and yang based on experience and thought and philosophy. Let me compare with the Bible as many people believe in the Bible and go to church. Yin and yang is the opposite concept, but exists together. Let us look at Genesis Chapter5 verses 3 to 5. Then God said “Let there be the light.” And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness. He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. Light and darkness is just yin and yang. Light and darkness that we understand today is from the light of sun and moon and stars created on the fourth day. These lights are different from what is created on the first day. In my opinion, if we use the concept of yin and yang of the first day, the interpretation of Bible is a little easier about the light on the first day. Another thing I notice is the darkness may be already existed inside of the light or before the light the darkness already existed. That’s why God divided the light from the darkness. In another word, yin and yang exists together. Another example is that yin and yang is just like a magnet. One side points to the south and the other side points to the north. Cut the exact center. Theoretically the center must be a neutral. But neither piece the south nor the north. Each piece shows north and south again contrary to the theory From the book “You may die earlier without knowing this?” barnesandnoble/s/Chan-Hur?keyword=Chan+Hur&store=book
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:40:05 +0000

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