YirmYahuw 10:1-6 Astrology and Christmas trees are heathen - TopicsExpress


YirmYahuw 10:1-6 Astrology and Christmas trees are heathen customs 1. Listen to the message that Yâ-hwéh speaks to you, house of Yisrâ’Ë´l: 2. Thus says Yâ-hwéh: “Ye shall not be learning the way of the heathen masses, and you shall not be terrified due to the signs of the heavens as the heathen masses are terrified due to them; 3. Because the prescribed ordinances of the peoples, they are worthless, as a tree is cut down from the forest, the work of the hands of a craftsman with an axe. 4. He decorates it with silver and with gold, and with hammers with nails (5.) they fasten them so it will not totter; 5. They are finely trussed up like a column, yet they cannot speak, they surely must be carried because they cannot take a step, do not revere them because they cannot harm you, but neither is there anything in them to do goodness.” YirmYâ´huw encourages convincing the heathen 6. (Since there is no One like You, Yâ-hwéh, great are You and great is Your name in power!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:20:15 +0000

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