Yo... Kynoch and Edwards. You fkrs got me sick. Not only did you - TopicsExpress


Yo... Kynoch and Edwards. You fkrs got me sick. Not only did you pollute my planet to line your filthy pockets, but you took up the past week of my life - a week longer that I will have to be away from my sick mother and little chihuahua. I wiped out my wheelchair on the Lake Polley mountain road and injured my shoulder making my way to the once-pristine lake that you took as your new tailings pond. I had to crawl through that ditch you dug - many times. I blew the last of my money having to travel all the way to where you attempt to hide your environmental destruction. My clothes are filled with the chemicals that you are about to be completely rid of. Unlike you, I cannot afford new clothes on a whim. I had to wash the arsenic and other poisons out of my shoes and clothes with the hose at the Likely Lodge - a nightmare of a place. I have suffered in ways you two would never understand. You rob and steal, you destroy and pollute, and you shamelessly where your guise. Then you call it progress and production. You are the lowest of the low. Killers and rapists usually only have a few victims. You two rape the earth and kill millions of beings. You might think youll get away with this. But you never will. There are plenty of people just like me. There are plenty that you cannot see. But you still better be worrying about me. Take a look at my pics, you scumbags. Take a look at my life. Look at what I do. I dont fk around. I never lie and I never back down. I never forgive and I never forget. One day… one day very soon, you two rapist murderers will turn around and I will be there. I dont pull punches - never did. You might have mostly everyone else fooled. You might think you are rid of your mess. But its coming back to you. It is coming for you. When you fall asleep at night, I assure you, you will dream about that poison. You will dream of the eagles, the salmon, the bears, and the wolves. Their spirits reside within me now. I took them in along those stone roads. You better call your gangsters and have me taken down… because I am coming. When vigilante justice is all that is left, then the vigilantes will rise. It is called supply and demand; you know all about that, dont ya? You just created a demand. There is now an open market on your payback. And I got dibs.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:26:42 +0000

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