Yo facebook peeps. I feel the need to share this: John 17:21-23 - TopicsExpress


Yo facebook peeps. I feel the need to share this: John 17:21-23 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. There was a time in my life when I did not want to gather with a group of believers every Sunday. In fact, I found many arguments that supported me staying at home and worshipping God from there. The biggest argument, bunch of hypocrites up in there. But then I read Jesus prayer on our behalf, that we may seek unity as He and the Father are one. Like a marital union, there has to be close intimacy as the couple tries to become one. There has to be constant communication. There has to be constant sharing of your lives together; good and bad. Similarly as Christians we must do the same. If you dont congregate with a group of believers because of what you perceive are peoples hypocrisies, then keep in mind that you are going against the heart of our Infinite Commander-In-Chief. Jesus himself is desiring us to seek unity. How dare me do otherwise and refuse His wishes? Am I somehow more special that I should only worship with people that I have categorized as holy? And where am I supposed to find this group of better people than those found in the local congregations around me? God spoke to my heart when I was of that mindset. He actually agreed with me that there was a lot of hypocrisy in the church, particularly with the leadership. But then He spoke this to my heart, why dont We start with you? You give me all you have. You give me what I deserve. You be the first one Not to be a hypocrite and Ill take care of the rest. After that, I have had a total 180 change. I want unity, oneness and i pursue it from my brothers time and time again. Why? Because Jesus It is in the heart of Jesus so the world sees that God truly sent Jesus to save the world. You want to know why there are so many unbelievers? because of the lack of unity you are refusing to seek with fellow broken pots. Stop with the excuses. One day you will have to give a full account as to why you decided on not congregating. I have a feeling Hes not going to put up with that nonsense. So quickly find a church. They are not going to be perfect but should be striving to serve the One who is.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 05:00:54 +0000

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