Yo, so I was gonna wait till after Friday, since that is your - TopicsExpress


Yo, so I was gonna wait till after Friday, since that is your tuition deposit DEADLINE if anyone has somehow forgotten, but since so many people keep asking the same questions Ill do this now. So, sit back and get ready for another one of Matthews patented lists (patent pending). Tl;dr at the bottom for you lazy people. Important dates: Probably the single most important for everyone, July 4th, aka Friday, aka 2 days from now, is still your tuition deposit deadline. If you havent paid yet, and god only knows why you are leaving it so late, you had better get your butt down to the fees office tomorrow or Friday morning (tomorrow being the smarter option) and pay the deposit in person. Realize right now that, unless you are there when they open, you WILL be waiting in a line, quite possibly for an hour or more. This is what happens when you wait till the last minute. Just saying. Dont do it during classes, youll regret it. July 9th is the last day to pay the first installment of your residence cost AND meal plan. Yes RAMSS likely doesnt list your meal plan cost yet, if you can even get on, but that doesnt mean you dont have to pay. Whatever the total on the eRez website is, pay that. It too will take time to process if paying online, so pay now if you want to avoid those lines and pay online. August 1st (ish) you will be able to fully activate your online identity. This means you will get a real username rather then using your student number to log in, as well as a email account. You have two options, the old rmail system or a new gmail one. Take the gmail one, trust me. Do it. Around this time you will also be getting your schedules from your programs with the mandatory courses already picked and scheduled. At the same time you get your schedules, you will be able to start actually using RAMSS to look up different classes and sections times. This will let you plan out what liberals you want to take, if you want to switch sections for better times, etc. The smart thing to do is to add the courses and sections you want to your shopping cart, so that come enrollment day you just have to click enroll and you get them, no searching no nothing. August 15th: Your one card application is due by this date. You can fill out the application at this link, its not terribly hard and shouldnt take you that long. ryerson.ca/onecard/ August 25-29: Frosh week. I wont say much about it now, beyond that it will be the most amazing part of your life ever. Okay, maybe not that amazing, but it is a lot of fun. There are a couple different froshes going on, not all of them are open to everyone. The general frosh is open to all, run by the university. Its a lot of fun, some of the events can be a bit corny. More info here: studentlife.ryerson.ca/orientation/ The residence frosh is only residence students, if you are one you should definitely make it out to at least 3 or 4 events. You will meet the other people on your floor and in your building, and speaking from personal experience these are the people you will probably spend the most time with first year and make great friends for life. I dont have a link to info, I imagine youll find out more closer to. Engineering frosh, my favorite frosh for obvious reasons (aka Im a frosh leader, so of course). The events are amazing, RESS puts a lot of effort into planning it, make sure to attend at least the engineering parade and FREE BBQ. Did I mention our frosh is free? Yeah, thats right, free. Im looking at you commerce. More info here: https://facebook/groups/1499097340308398/ Commerce frosh. I dont actually know what these people do, beyond fail at stealing our hard hats. Which is painful, so dont try it. If someone can provide me with a link to info about this one, message me and Ill try to edit it in. September 2nd. Classes start, CLASSES START. Yeah, not much else to say about that. Go to class. Do it. DO IT! So yeah, important dates. Ill either edit this or make new posts every week or two, try to keep you guys updated with important information and stuff. If you have any questions, feel free to add and/or message me on Facebook. Also, and I am trusting you guys here so please dont screw me over, if you would rather email or text me you can. My Ryerson email is, surprise surprise, [email protected]. I dont know why that would be easier, but if it is go ahead and use that. If you want to text me about anything, message me and I can provide my number. I dont trust everyone here that much. That right, Im looking at you Alison. So yeah, hope this helps you guys out. TL;DR July 4th, Tuition Deposit July 9th, Res fee and meal plan August 1st, schedules released ish August 12th, enrollment August 15th, One card due August 25th, Frosh September 2nd, Classes
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:30:27 +0000

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