Yochanan Perek : 10:22-42 . 22 - Vaihí vimei haJanucá , . - TopicsExpress


Yochanan Perek : 10:22-42 . 22 - Vaihí vimei haJanucá , . Bimei hajoref Birusahalaím . ( These were the days of Dedication . Were Yerusahalaím winter days ) 23 - . Vaitehalej Yeshua Bebet beulám Shlomó HaMikdash . ( And Yeshua walked in the Bet HaMikdash by Solomons porch ) . 24 - . Vaiasobú ad - oto Hayehudim vaiomrú timshejenu venafshenu ím analy - ata - Lanoo hú HaMashiach haged hashamésh Lein . ( And the Jews surrounded him and said , How long in suspense If you are the Messiah, tell us openly ? ) . . 25 - Yeshua OTAM Vaian hen higadti lachem veiled hemantem bí hamasím asher - ani ose li ledut Beshem Avi hem ; ( Yeshua answered them , I told you , and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Fathers name , they bear witness of me ); 26 - . Rak ló taminú Atem , Atem mitzoni Ki lo , kosher amarti lachem . ( But you do not believe , because they are not of my sheep, as I said ) . 27 - . Tzoní shomot et- Koli , Vani Yodea nato vhená holjot ajara ( My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me ) 28 - Vejaié olam , . Eten lahen ló tovadná , lanetzach ensured NATO iajatof miadi ish . ( And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish , neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand) . 29 - . Avi netanan asher li , add hú micol , twenty - ish asher iujal lajatof etehen Haav miad . ( My Father which gave them me , is greater than all , and no one can snatch them out of my Father s hand ) . 30 - . Vani vehaAv echad . ( I and the Father are one ) . 31 - . Vaiosifú Hayehudim vaisú Avanim lesakelo . ( Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him ) . 32 - Vaian OTAM Yeshua . Hen maasim rabim Tovim Hereti lachem Haav meth , Is al- EI- min- hamaasím zé Haele tiskeluni ? ( Yeshua answered them , Many good works have I shown you from my Father: for which of them are going to stone me ? ) . 33 - Oto Vaianú Hayehudim , lemor : Al- Tov maaseh niskeleja , kí ím - to - chilul ; Hashem basher , Adam kí ata , ata vehineja omer lenafsheja Elohim . ( They answered the jjudíos , saying, For a good work we stone you but for blasphemy, because TTU , being a man , make Yourself Elohim ) . 34 - Vaian OTAM Yeshua . Was Haló jatuv betoratejem : Ani amarti , Elohim atem ? ( Yeshua answered them , Is it not written in your Torah (Law :) I said, Elohim ( mighty ones ) are ) ? 35 - . ( If called Elohim ( mighty ones ) those to whom the word of Elohim came (and the scripture can not be broken) , . 36 - whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world , You are blaspheming, because I said, I am the Son of Elohim ? 37 - . If I do not the works of my Father , believe me not . 38 - . But if I do , though ye believe not me, believe the works , that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in him . 39 - . Sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hands. . 40 - And went away again across the Jordan to the place where he had first been doing tevilah Yochanan , and stayed there. . 41 - And many came to him , saying, Yochanan , indeed did no sign , but everything that Yochanan said about this man was true. 42 - . And many believed on him there. This Perek , indicates that on the feast of Hanukkah, Moshiach is confronted by traditionalists , asking him if he was the promised or Messiah, Yeshua , openly facing them their position and respond to their concerns , plus they did not want to understand , and did not understand. Citing his religious fanaticism , was told to believe יהוה on earth,which it is! , And take stones to stone him , as was stipulated in the Torah haMoshé Yeshua stops them with wise response Tehillim 82:6 I said, Ye are elohim ( mighty beings , gods ) And all of you sons of the Elyon ( Most High ) ; Besides claiming our Moshiach , the Torah were not the five books of Moshe Rabbeinu , but that is the whole Torah Emet Tanakh . (Study for another time) . Moshiach himself emphasizes the lack of spiritual essence , in the village and all rites , as Hanukkah, and other holidays , aclarándoles that his sheep will hear him and will continue proclaiming their unity the Father , Vaani Haav ECHAD ( I and the Father are ONE ) . Many are sensitive to feedback, and we will believe . most, as in the present day , amidst our people are such sheep, hidden , suffering the abuse and rabbinical traditionalists are not persecuted, just tolerated , others are messianism and Christianity , they stay in these systems and are treated because they see the love that does not give our people , but we have to hear the voice of Roé Tov, and follow him , strengthen him and nurture him. Matiitiahu Perek : 23:37-39 , 24:1-25 (Matthew Chapter : 23:37-39 , 24:1-5 ) : Perek 23 , ( Chapter 23 ) : 37 - .Yerushalayim , Yerushalayim , hahoreget Haneviim et , et- hashelujím vehasokelet ! Elaij ad - kamé pamím jafatzti banaij lekabetz et , et- casher tekabetz tarnegolet efroheiheha tachat kenafeiha , veiled avitem ! (Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stones those who are sent to you , how often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and ye would not !) 38 - . Hine veirejem ishaer lachem jarbá . ( Behold, your house is left unto you desolate ) . . 39 - Ki ani omer lachem ló tiruni , od min- hayom hazeh kí ad - tomrúm : BARUCH HABA Beshem יהוה . ( I tell you, you will not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he who comes in the name of יהוה ) . These pasukim , we show the attitude of the Messiah rejected by his people , but he knew, as it was prophesied , the lament for Yerushalayim , the city of Melech Gadol , rejecting Melech Gadol , giving a very sad lament , the Bet Hamikdash , and what was going to happen later , speaking of the end of sacrifices , rituals, the abomination of desolation , the departure of the Shechinah of יהוה . Displays the judgment of the city and the Bet HaMikdash , until they have passed all that is written, and arrive on time and day , to be a people and a new Hebrew generation entering the Brit Hadashah , and as a nation , give the welcome to our Melech Moshiach , fulfilling the prophecy already given , entering Yrushalaím purify the Bet Hamikdash , and the same Messiah as Cohen Gadol after the order of Malki Tzedek , will Hanukkah, with the Kohanim bnei Tzadok . Matityahu Perek 24, ( Chapter 24 ) : 1 - . Vaietzé Yeshua min- haHeijol Vayelech , ledarko elav vaishgeshú talmidav leharotó et biniene haHeijol . ( When Yeshua left the Temple and went , his talmidim ( disciples ) came to show him the buildings of the Temple) . . 2 - Vaian Yeshua Vayomer alehem : Is al - Haló reitem I elé ? Amen ani omer , lachem kí julám ieharsún veiled - tishaer even al- aven . ( Yeshua answered and said unto them, See ye not all this Truly I tell you, not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down ? ) . . 3 - Uveshivtó al- har HaZeitim , vaigeshú elav talmidav levadam , vaiomrú : haged -na , Lanoo kills ? Tikrená , elé boaja ot Uma , veketz olam ? ( And he sat on the Mount of Olives, the talmidim (disciples) came to him privately , saying, Tell us, when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world ) ? . 4 - Vaian Yeshua Vayomer alehem : Hishamrú lachem IATE etjem pen - ish . ( Yeshua answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you ) . . 5 - Kí rabim iavoú vishme , lemor : Ani hú HaMashiach ; vehitú et rabim . ( For many shall come in my name , saying, I am the Messiah, and will deceive many .) 6 - Vehayah kí - tishmeú miljamá or miljamá shemuot , . Reu al- tibahelu , kí hol- elé tikrená veod ; ló haketz . ( You will hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled, for all this must happen, but the end is not yet .) 7 - Kí iakúm al- goi goi , umamlajá , . Vehayah rav , vedever , verash bimekomot rabim . ( For nation will rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences , and earthquakes in various places). 8 - . Vejol - rak elé hajavalím reset . ( All these are the beginning of sorrows ) . 9 - . Az iatzikú lachem misaviv , veharegú , vajem usnuím tihiú lejol - hamim bavur shmí . ( Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my names sake ) . 10 - . Verabím ikashlú az, vehisgirú ish REHU et , et- ajiv veísh isnaú . ( Many will fall away and each other will be delivered , and shall hate one another ) . 11 - Vekamú Nevie sheker rabim , vehitú rabim ajareihem , . ( And many false prophets shall rise , and shall deceive many ); 12 - . Veajaré asher hapashaa Irbe , tafug ahavat rabim . (And iniquity shall abound , the love of many will grow cold ) . 13 - . Hamjaké ad - haketz Aj , ivasheá hú . ( But he who endures to the end shall be saved.) % % 14 - Ubesorat haMaljut hazot Tikare vejol - Haretz , ledut lejol - hagoím , . Veajar iavó haketz it . ( And will be announced this news of the kingdom in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end ) . 15 - . Lajen, Tiru et- casher hashikutz hamshomem Hamur biad - Daniel HaNavi omed bimekóm vehamaskil iavín Kodesh . ( So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand), 16 - . Az elé Bihudá asher , ianusú el- heharím . ( Then those who are in Judea flee to the mountains ) . . 17 - Umi asher al- hagag , I iered lakajat miBetó davar , ( which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house ); 18 - . Umi basadé asher , which iashuv Leveto Laset et simlató . ( And who is in the field return back to take his coat) . % 19 - . Leharot Aj-oi , velamenikot baiamím hahemá ! ( Woe to those who are pregnant , and that give suck in those days!) . 20 - Veatém , hitfalelú , levilti menusatejem tihié bajorej BaShabat ensured ; ( pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath ); 21 - . Kí az tihié Gedola asher Tzara , Lo- nihietá kamoha mereshit imot vead - hayom hazeh olam , vejamoha Lo- tosif . ( For then shall be great tribulation , such as has not % been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be) . . 22 - Velulé iktzerú Hayamim Haele , which al - inatzel base ; aj habejirím leman , Hayamim Haele iktzarú . ( And unless those days were shortened , no flesh be saved : but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened ) . . 23 - veaz , ím - ish Iomar Aleichem : Hine HaMashiach , pó or Hino -Sham al- taminú . ( Then if anyone says to you , Lo, here is the Messiah ! Or is there, believe it not ) . 24 - . Kí meshijé - sheker unvie - jazav iakumú venatenú otot umo Fetim gedolim lenasot ím yesh -lel iAdam lehitód gam et habejirím . ( For false Messiah and false prophets , and shall show great signs and wonders to deceive , if possible , even the elect ) . 25 - . Reu kí merósh higadti lachem . ( See, I have said before ) . This Perek Messiah, is responding and adding to the questions asked his talmidim , giving signals that have to take place before his return , direct and indirect elements of our people and as global or international level , capturing the emergence of beliefs and assumptions charismatic leaders who will make their way to deceive the true Messianic Jews for not complying with their role and responsibility, the political, economic , religious, moral , human relations aspect , the social crisis , climate changes , mutations of viruses, bacteria and microbes , through plague and other diseases , AIDS or HIV, the killer bacteria , adenovirus and rotavirus , cancer , domestic violence , such as being published by all means Malchut news , for this means : Internet, magazines , via telecommunications, and rescues what Daniel haNavi , talk to concerning the abomination of desolation , and that is giving warnings to his talmidim , and what they or we have to do , when these things happen . Bet Hamikdash - . Markos Perek : 13 ( Mark Chapter 13 ) Perek 13: ( Chapter 13): . 1 - Going Yeshua Temple , he told one of his talmidim (disciples) : Moré ( Maestro) , see what manner of stones and what buildings . . 2 - Yeshua answered and said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? No stone will be left unturned , to be thrown down . . 3 - And he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple . And Kefa , Yaakov, Johanan veAnderai ( Peter, James , John and Andrew ) asked him privately, . 4 - Tell us, when shall these things be ? And what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? . 5 - Yeshua answering them began to say, Take heed that no one deceives you ; . 6 - For many will come in my name, saying Anochi HaMashiach ( I am the Messiah ), and shall deceive many . . 7 - When you hear of wars and rumors of wars , be not troubled, for it must happen , but the end is not yet . . 8 - For nation shall rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places , and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows . 9 - But take heed to yourselves, . They will deliver to the bet -din ( councils ) , and the bet- bet- midrash kneset ( synagogues ) will scourge and before governors and kings because of the lead me, for a testimony against them . 10 - . Necessary And the good news is proclaimed before all the goyim (nations) . . 11 - But when they deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye : for it is not ye that speak, but the Ruach HaKodesh ( Holy Spirit). % . 12 - And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death , and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against parents , and kill . . 13 - And they will be hated by all for my names sake : but he that endureth to the end shall be saved . 14 - . But when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not ( let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea flee to the mountains . . 15 - who is on the housetop not go down into the house , nor enter to take anything out of his house; 16 - . And that is in the field return back to take his coat %. 17 - . Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 18 - Do tefillah ( Pray ) , ye that your flight be not in winter. ; 19 - . Because those days shall be affliction, such as was not since the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. 20 - And if Adonai had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved . : But because of the elect, whom he chose , he shortened the days. . 21 - Then if anyone says to them: Behold , here is HaMashiach (the Messiah ) or There He is , do not believe him . 22 - . For there shall arise false Messiah (false Messiah) and false nviím ( prophets ) , and show signs and wonders to deceive , if possible , even the elect . 23 - But take heed ; . Everything I have told you before. This Perek , is the complement of what is in the Sefer Matitiahu before seen , rescuing warning our Messiah by the future to happen event as chosen and talmidim should be careful, do not be careless with the signals given . Lukas or Eliiezer Hacohen Perek 21:1-24 (Luke Chapter 21:1-24 ) : Perek 21, ( Chapter 21): . 7 - And they asked him , saying, Moré (Master) , when will this be? And what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass ? . 8 - And he said , Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying Anochi HaMashiach ( I am the Messiah) , and : The time is near. But do not go after them. 9 - When you hear of wars and commotions , be not terrified . Because it is these things must happen first, but the end will not come immediately. . V10 - I said to them against nation, and kingdom against kingdom shall rise ; . 11 - There will be great earthquakes, and famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. 12 - . But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you , and delivered to the bet- kneset ( synagogues ) and prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my names sake . 13 - . This will be a chance to testify . . 14 - therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer in your defense ; 15 - . Cause I will give you a mouth and wisdom , which can not withstand or contradict those opposed %. . 16 - ye shall be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you ; 17 - . And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake . 18 - . But not a hair of your head perish . 19 - . In your patience possess ye your souls. 20 - . But when you see Yerushalayim ( Jerusalem) surrounded by armies , then know that its desolation is near . . 21 - Then let those in Judah (Judea ) flee to the mountains, and in the midst of her depart, and let those in the country not enter therein . 22 - . Because these are days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled . 23 - . Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! there shall be great distress in the land , and wrath upon this people . . 24 - And they shall fall by the sword , and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Yerushalayim ( Jerusalem) shall be trodden down of the Gentiles , until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled . I put all these Perek , like, because our mind is fragile , and we tend to forget or believe that having a great mind , we will not forget anything. When the talmidim of Yeshua HaMashiach Adoneinu asked about Heijol , Messiah , knowing all the corrupt system prevailing , and warns them they will prophesy the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash , also the signals are completed in this Perek , showing the endpoint which is the siege of Yrushalaím by troops of the False Messiah and the end of the era of the goyim , as the Goiim system that currently prevails . Taslonikím Perek Bet : 2:1-12 ( 1 Thessalonians , Chapter 2:1-12 ) : Perek 2, (Chapter 2 ) : 1 - . Veal - dvar Adoneinu asher iavó Yeshua HaMashiach , Vasher iekabetzenu elav , zot bakashatenu ejai Mikel ( Now concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, and our meeting with him, beseech you, brethren ) , . 2 - Al- ná itar libejem pitom , veal - tajilú , ló mipne - ruach , mipne veiled , veiled shemuá mipne Igeret asher , iomrún kí yatza miadenu lemor Yom Hine vó HaMashiach . ( Do not let yourselves be easily shaken from your mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word , nor by letter as from us , to the effect that the day of the Messiah is near ) . . 3 - Al- iolij etjem ish letohú veiled Tovu it ; Ki lo - iavó ím - ló varishoná hamaal IHIE , venigelá ish hajatá ben -Bal Zebu ( no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away , and the man of sin, the son of perdition ) appears, 4 - Asher itkomem veitgadel al- col -El vavodat HaShem . Kí ad - gam - ieshév beHeijal keElohím Elohim , hú lemor HaElohim . ( Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is so that he sits in the temple of Elohim and Elohim , posing as Elohim ) . 5 - . Was Haló tizkerú kí divarti alejem , kadevarím Haele beod imajem haiti ( Do not you remember that when I was still with you I told you this? ) . 6 - And now ye know what restrains him , so that in due time be revealed . . 7 - Because it is already in the mystery of iniquity , only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. . 8 - And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Adon (Master) Yeshua will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming ; 9 - . I him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 - . And with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 - . Therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie , 12 - . A so that all might be damned who believed not the truth , but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This Perek , written by Rabbi Shaul , warning the Kahal of Thessaloniki , to take care of the false spiritual leaders , who were emerging and bringing teachings were mixed between the coming of the Messiah or rather the return of the Messiah , and events future , plus a range of occult , humanism, and so much knowledge. Rabbi warns them of the times we are living and the alleged spiritual revival , which was generating at the time, here Rabbi is very clear and jealous and declares that all that move the spirit, is not part of the Kahal , but a spirit of error , to deceive the deceivers , is sent from Adonai , to prepare the environment and the new order that should prevail when Surga that man of sin , son of Bal Zevú . This is a wake-up call for us as descendants of this beautiful town, we love him, and we are complete in the faith of Adoneinu Yeshua HaMashiach , who is going to see a very strong drive spiritually speaking , where supposedly the Ruach Elohim will be working but as we have seen some , is a lie and a deception , which the majority of Pentecostal Christians and Messianic this cut , called: REVIVAL , the Ruach HaKodesh tHE FLAME APOSTASY , because it is an imitation or something false from the true spiritual essence , preparing the environment for the emergence of this man of sin , which comes to destroy or damage the holy things of Adonai , in the not too distant future . For us, we can engage the services in the synagogue , we know that our people have not had a spiritual encounter with the true Messiah , nor have the light of Mashiach in their hearts, or the Ruach HaKodesh , services are beautiful but without that spiritual weight , loading it with the traditions imposed by men, more social , that is the essence that our people have had since the Shechinah of יהוה went . Chanukah at this time : For many this day is special, because it is a mix between Christmas and call a Jewish holiday called Hanukkah, something nice and flashy. For other Chanukah is called , Passover , in that turn lights and be a joyful celebration with gifts, being an advance for Christmas, but in reality thisis not so! ,And never will be ! , What Christianity called Christmas, is the formation of a system for centuries , adding the traditions of other cultures and faiths , is a crude copy of Chanukah , traditional Judaism assimilating this time has created its old janukero with gifts and deceptions , which have to do with the very essence of Chanukah, and Christianity to pagan idolatry fallen in with a big red elf dress , bringing peace and love to every household , including gifts , which once made to remember the birth of son of the sun god , and decorate their house with a tree dedicated to ancient gods, the truly redeemed the Messiah , his sheep if they say so called , in Christian or messianic , that are immersed in this system should be sensitive and listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd, who says : Come out from among them and touch not the unclean , not to continue polluting. As for the Jewish or Hebrew believer in Yeshua the Messiah , the birth of Yeshua Mashiach Adoneinu was in Jag Sukkot , which is called the festival of Tabernacles or Booths , in keeping with the divine plan had to be in one of feasts of our people , not a few pagan idolaters date and pagan peoples . At this time is very special to us as having more light through the Torah Emet and progressive , has shown us by his word and his Nebiim , as Yeshua HaMashiach Adoneinu also their Shelijím Kodshim . What we are experiencing is the decline of the sixty-ninth week , and next to hasheviím Hashavua , seventieth week , as our respected Rabbis veJajamím Tzaddikim beloved , let us in his writings that the messianic woes have to be stronger for this time . Chanukah is a symbol of the era of Mashiach , our people , being the Bet Hamikdash , for this to happen : our people must be deceived by the alleged Messiah, with all the attributes of love, forgiveness, peace, the Bet - Hamikdash will have to rebuild either side of the Mosque of Omar and in its original location , in the middle of the seventieth week , which is three and a half years of this period to come, being the Bet Hamikdash ready , with our Kohanim veleviím in place and turns, as happened in the past few Jews, assimilated or deceived by this course Moshiach will let you enter the Bet Hamikdash , believing that he is Moshiach Tzidkenu , will sit on the throne ready for Moshiach Hamelech , and Adonai will be proclaimed on earth, imanu the many of our people will be deceived ,others no, clung to Elohim , Elohe Avraham , Yitzchak veYaakov , and were adhered to the Torah , they will realize that they were deceived , and will Vidui veteshuvá to יהוה , recognizing that nearly two thousand years ago a supposed prophet , rabbi of the house of David , who proclaimed Messiah, foretold what theyre going through now , that Manzer , Bastardo, pariah dog , sorcerer , warlock , branded as the antimesianicos : Moshiach ben Yosef is , which came and fulfilled what was written about him by the Torah veNeviím veKetuviím , and will return as Mashiach ben David , to recover what was usurped by Satan. This is Cohen Gadol , as was Jashmoní Matityahu Cohen , Ezra Hacohen veNajmiá haNasi or Shlomo Hamelech and Moshe Rabbeinu , enter Hamelech triumphant Messiah , filled with the blood of his enemies by the famous sealed doors , called Golden , which are in Yerushalayim , with his hosts and clean the Bet Hamikdash , ie Chanukah will seal there, and sit in the place that has been empty all these millennia or centuries. For us this is the meaning of Chanukah , spirituality Adoneinu our beloved Yeshua HaMashiach , Hacohen Gadol . JAG SAMEACH HANUKKAH ! AJIM , WE SHARE THIS ARTICLE SEND THEM , WE PREPARE FOR MORE THAN FIVE YEARS AGO , AND MY EXISTENCE HAS HAPPENED VERY MUCH WATER CLOUDY AND IS JUST ME יהוה ELOHEYNU CLEANING MY WATER AND TRANQUILIZANDOLAS , WE SHARE THAT ARE VERY FEW YEARS TO LIFTING THE Beit HaMikdash , AND CONTAMINATION WITHABOMINATION OF DESOLATION ! , LEAVING THE PAST THREE AND A HALF YEARS , COME THE WAR IN THE MIDDLE , THE AMERO COIN WILL START SOON , THE microchip is implanted IN HUMANS AS FROM THIS YEAR 2012 OR 5772, THE PERSECUTION OF OUR PEOPLE ISRAEL WORLDWIDE bE REALITY , AND ALSO WE BE PURSUED AND MILLIONS OF TRUE CHRISTIANS , WAITING FOR rapture , they will realize that they will be persecuted because ALL were in THE PLAN OR PROGRAM יהוה ELOHEYNU , AND wE ARE IN THE tRIBULATION AND WILL SPEND THE GREAT TRIBULATION , IN A VERY SHORT TIME MORE , NO MORE CALENDAR END OF THE WORLD wE ARE TODAY , I THANK יהוה ELOHEYNU THE LIFE AND HEALTH FOR GIVING ME THE POWER TO AMEND mY MISTAKES AND SEND YOU THIS MESSAGE AJIM , WE WILL THE GREAT TRIBULATION , BUT BE PROTEGUIDOS sUPERNATURALLY WITH THE sUPERNATURAL MINISTRY OF Ruach HaKodesh malachim MILLION AND FIGHTING FOR EACH NOSOSTROS , for my dear READERS OF THE TORAH , TANAKH VEBRIT Hadashah , 5774 OR 2013 THIS , WE WILL SEE WHAT WE ARE THINGS HAPPEN ENPEZANDO AND AROUND THE MIDDLE EAST , ISRAEL AND WORLDWIDE UNTIL FARTHER AND POOR COUNTRY WILL SEE WHAT יהוה WITH JUSTICE ITS ALL UP TO ISRAEL unbelieving nations , cleanse ourselves from all U.S. AJIM POLLUTION BECAUSE WE ARE THE LIVES WHERE Bet Hamikdash the Ruach HaKodesh , get ready to FIGHT THE DARKNESS AND NOT FALL , IS MORE POWERFUL THAN WE ARE IN IN THIS WORLD ...Boana ADÓN YESHUA ! IAVÓ Mashiach ! LEMASHIAJ HANUKKAH ! Baruch ata יהוה ELOHEYNU Melech ha-olam ASHER KIDSHANÚ VEMITZVOTAV Zakhor IIAMÍM HANUKKAH , Zakhor AJERONÍM Yamim , ISRAEL ADONAI AMEJA Shomer , bracha AM ISRAEL , bracha kehilot Yehudim EMUNATÉHÉM Yeshua HaMashiach , Zakhor dam brit Hadashah VERUAJ Beshem Yeshua HaMashiach hakodesh ... AMEN ! Moré : Gustavo Fuentes Venegas - .
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:19:06 +0000

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