Yogi Ramsuratkumar and the Great Masters Yogi Ramsuratkumar had - TopicsExpress


Yogi Ramsuratkumar and the Great Masters Yogi Ramsuratkumar had the good fortune of close association with some of the great masters of our times; Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, who was firmly established in the Self through the route of self-enquiry Who Am I, Papa Ramdas who believed that Nama Japa alone will liberate the people from samsara, Sri Aurobindo whose philosophy consists of a three-steps process of psychic, spiritual and supramental transformation in order to discover ones divine nature. Thus, Yogi Ji had the benefit of spiritual teachings of these great masters which he imbibed to perfection. Hours after hours, days after day, Nama-japa saturated the atmosphere, both when he was in the mortal body and thereafter. It seems all the gods would gather at this place to hear the Nama-japa. Yogi Ji strongly advocated that Nama japa alone is enough to carry you across the turbulent sea of samsara, be it the name of Rama, or Krishna, or Siva. It does not matter whose Nama you chant so long you concentrate on the Nama. Nama represents the Saguna Brahman no doubt, but his will ultimately lead you to Nirguna Brahman. Mechanical chanting of the name of personal God is bereft of love and bhakti and is of little utility except making some sounds. It is true that sound waves have their own effect, but absolute faith and belief in the Nama and the God it represents is the sine qua non of japa. As you go on chanting the Nama, you merge with the Nama, shelving your individuality. Finally, there is one only, which he christened as Father. Though a staunch advocate of Nama japa, he constantly reminded the people that: - There is only one God - Father alone exists. That is the Ultimate, that is the Truth, that is the essence of the Upanishads. There is no one else, nothing else, all are just appearances. You may see so many creatures and you may see so many things, but we all do not have any separate existence independent of Father. All these appearances we see, including all of us, will vanish at some time or the other, and Father alone exists. He was a true Karma Yogi in the sense he did things for others. He could not stand the sufferings of the devotees. He prayed to his father on our behalf. He picked up all the karmic effects of the people lying on the road as waste and stored them in his abode so that they do not follow you like a shadow. He showered love on everyone, on every creature. He did not differentiate between the rich and the poor, the high and the low, Brahmin or other caste. He treated everyone with equal love. He listened to the devotees grievances and made them chant the Nama and he assured them at the end of it - My Father will take care of you. Do not worry. He evinced keen interest in the affaires of our nation, Bharat, and has predicted that India will lead all the other nations in all the spheres. Our country is rich because of the Vedas, because of the great sages and saints, and because of the selfless freedom fighters, he said. He used to keenly observe the yagnas and the chanting of the Veda mantras. He had great respect and regard for the Kanchi Paramacharya without whom Vedas would not have flourished or even lived. As a matter of fact he always considered himself to be a devotee of the Paramacharya. He was keen that our ancient wisdom of the Vedas and the Scriptures must be preserved and propagated. He himself used to be present whenever the yagas were performed, keenly following the mantras. A truly ascetic life he led - always in old rags and torn clothes, living in the roadsides and bearing sunshine, rain and dust with samabhavana. To those seeing him for the first time, he would pass off as a beggar and not as a Yogi or a Gnani. He never advertised himself as a Gnani or Sannyasi and lived like a beggar as he called himself. Yes, he begs his Father to shower His Grace on all of us. Yes, he begs on our behalf and that is why he is a beggar. Of what use are the worldly riches to him who lived a simple life with old torn clothes, a bowl made of coconut shell and a hand-made fan. So he needed nothing for himself and the question of begging the Father for himself never arose. We are the beggars, always seeking something from him and he is the giver, giver with love and compassion. Often times we find him in deep meditation, immersed in the consciousness within. It is a great and exhilarating experience for the devotees to see him in this mood because in such a mood he transported all those present to a different world of Shanti and tranquil emancipation and the means he preached is the most simple for anyone to follow. Swami Gnanananda Giri referred to him as a re-incarnation of Kabir. This is the result of the true fusion of the different paths to realisation like Karma, Bhakti and Jnana which he absorbed from the Great Masters he associated with. Yogi Ramsuratkumar Yogi Ramsuratkumar Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jaya Guru Raya Courtesy : Gnana Oli.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:14:03 +0000

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