Yogurt If you are looking for a healthy treat for your dog, - TopicsExpress


Yogurt If you are looking for a healthy treat for your dog, consider yogurt. Yogurt is a great source of protein, especially Greek yogurt. Although dogs are lactose intolerant, they can still eat yogurt because when yogurt is made, a bacterial culture is added that “eats” or eliminates the lactose, which excretes the lactic acid that causes the intolerance. The lactose gets removed, making the yogurt fully digestible to those who are lactose intolerant (including people!). Yogurt is great for the digestive system and does not cause the problems that other dairy products can contribute to, such as an upset stomach and bloating. You can add yogurt to your dog’s regular food, or feed as a treat. If you add it to their food, serving size depends on your dog. A tablespoon a day is good for a small dog, and two large tablespoons a day is a good amount for a large dog. Until your dog is used to it, give them smaller servings for about a week. Although yogurt is good for your dog, you should always slowly introduce a new food into their diet. Yogurt can be fed with a raw diet or with kibble. To make yogurt treats, pour the yogurt into a clean ice cube tray and freeze. You can add healthy foods such as blueberries, peas (fresh, not frozen) or apple slices to the yogurt before freezing as well. To store, you can either leave them in the trays or put the yogurt cubes into a freezer-safe container and keep in the freezer. To avoid over-feeding, feed only one or two yogurt treats a day. Be sure the yogurt you feed to your dog is fat-free, sugar-free and plain. Brand does not matter, although I personally prefer Dannon or Activia.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 04:10:28 +0000

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