Yoo wudup everybody?!?! To all my faithful, loving, loyale and - TopicsExpress


Yoo wudup everybody?!?! To all my faithful, loving, loyale and incredible fans, friends and family I sincerely apologize for being gone for so long without a check up or an update but these last 6 months have been extremely crazy, challenging, eye opening and life changing for me to say the least... But Im proud to say I had to fall in order to rise again... And rise again I did! (Hence the new ink). As most of you may already know 6 months ago I lost the love of my life and have had to overcome many MANY obstacles and make my way through many trials and tribulations in order to find myself again and figure out whats really important to me as well as to why Im really here and what I truly want out of this life... Well after having my heart broken and torn our of my chest, living in a hostel for months, being homeless for weeks upon end and even getting stabbed in the head and nearly dying of blood loss on the way to the hospital I now finally KNOW what I once thought but wasn never quite sure about for almost 5 years now... And that is that Ive been placed on this earth for a very important reason; And that is to be a leader, a leader for those who need someone to follow, and for all those who need a helping hand and/or a positive role model to look up to for strength, so that together we may change the world and help make it a better place for everyone, especially for the younger generations, because those are the ones who have to make due with what we leave them after we are gone. I/we shall accomplish this through my musical talents as well as other gifts the Lord has blessed me with. Similar to how my hero and idol 2Pac did. I/we will do this using the wisdom I have been given as well as gained through my own personal journey and experiences. I wish to teach the world and raise it up to a higher level through something I like to call elevated thinking. In a nut shell meaning we need to start making smarter and more educated choices and think of the possible consequences before we perform them. Also we need to stop doing what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it. Incase you havent noticed it yet there are very many bad, wrong and corrupt things going on in our world today that most people dont even know about or arent yet aware of. Those who do -do nothing about it because they are either too naieve, uninformed or afraid to do anything about it. Which is where I come in - I want to not only be a leader for the people but a voice for the people who will speak and represent justly and richteously for those less fortunate and all those who are unable to speak and represent for themselves. I am able to do this because I came/come from the same neglected and broken world that you did and I believe when the time is right I will have the opportunities and the abilities to help out and to be heard in a major way on a grander scale than others due to my relatively recent level of fame, which if you know me then you know I say that as humble as possible and am the first to say that I have not yet accomplished anything and that I really still am a nobody, but the truth I hear from my peers and from fans across the entire world is that I have already reached and attained a very respectable level of notariaty and success, in an extremely unique and unorthodox sence. So please dont think I have a big head and think I am pumping my own tires because it is in fact quite the opposite but I will also be the first to admit I am incredibly driven, confident and persistent human being. We need to start questioning everything we have been taught and begin asking ourselves WHY?!?!? Why this, why that... if it feels wrong and unfair then the odds are its because it is! But it doesnt have to be this way forever. We need to learn to come together as a whole and unite as one and start looking at eachother as brothers and sisters instead of enemies and strangers. Because at the end of the day we all came from the same God, we all bleed the same blood, we all feel the same pain and all want the same thing... which is to be loved, respected and most importantly to be happy and find out the true reason as to why were all here. I am on a mission and have been on this mission for 25 years now but have only just realized how to accomplish my mission over these last 6 months of going through hell and back, literally, just to finally discover the heavens that are just up ahead. I know most of you who are still reading this probably think this guy is crazier than a bag of snakes and the truth is -youre probably right but the even scarier REAL truth of the matter is that deep down somewhere inside your soul you know that Im absolutely right and thats what scares you the most. But do not fear fear itself for the only real fear there is in this world is the fear we create for ourselves... By giving oursleves limitations and by listening to people say you cant do this or youll never do that our whole lives. Truth is their the scared ones. Their afraid that since they never tried hard enough themselves to accomplish anything that you may actually be able to accomplish it but they dont wanna see you succeed. No one wants to see you succeed! Especially at something THEY couldnt do. Well I say you CAN do it. I believe you can do anything you want and can achieve and attain anything you desire in this world IF and only IF you work hard for it! Like really, really, REALLY effing hard!!! Even if that means sacrificing everything. Nothing is impossible unless you allow yourself to believe its impossible. Remember the sky is the limit. If you want something go out there and get it. Simple as that. Losers make excuses, winners make it happen. Anyone still reading this I just want to thank you for your continuous support and for all the love. It is greatly appreciated and never goes unnoticed. You guys give me motivation and inspire me to push myself harder and further than I could without you. So thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!! Please support the movement.. no.. the REVOLUTION by buying my upcoming debut album this summer/fall The Rise of 6Trey. I guarantee if you do you will NOT be disappointed! Together we can and WILL change the world. Peace, love, success n nothin less! #PositiveVibes Thank you and God bless. Sincerely Holden Nowell aka 6Trey!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:44:42 +0000

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