Yorkshire Pudding Recipe: Equal parts...Egg, Flour and Milk. Yes - TopicsExpress


Yorkshire Pudding Recipe: Equal parts...Egg, Flour and Milk. Yes you read that correctly...equal parts...1 cup of egg...NOT 1 or 3 or 4 Eggs. 1 full cup of egg, 1 full cup of milk, 1 full cup of flour and a pinch of salt. Batter MUST be at room temperature to work. 1/2 tsp or so, per each hole in a muffin tin. Heat the the oil and muffin tin until the oil is smoking (not on fire!) pour batter as fast as humanly possible into each hole. The idea is to not let the oil cool down at all. I use a 6 cup measuring cup to hold all the batter and I do 1 continuous pour from one spot to the next...yes its a little messy, but its worth it! Throw the full muffin tin into the oven for 15-20 minutes... Oven needs to be at 425-450* depending on your oven. When they are golden brown their done!... if you did it right, the only part of the Yorkshire that should be stuck in the muffin tin will be a tin spot where the batter hit pan directly avoiding the oil. Otherwise they pop out! The reason for the equal amount of egg is because eggs vary in size, so to say an amount of egg would actually effect the recipe greatly. Small eggs vs Large eggs... do you see the difference? The one cup of everything will give you 12 Yorkshire Puddings like what you see in my photo. If you need more, just double the recipe. Give it go, I always give the batter a feel test... it should feel like thick silk between your fingers. Good luck! I would love your photos when your done. G.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 21:14:27 +0000

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