Yossi Katz received this via email: Rabbanit Mizrachi was - TopicsExpress


Yossi Katz received this via email: Rabbanit Mizrachi was at a women’s convention last week. On the stage was a group called “Playback”. They asked members of the audience to share stories which they would then act out. One young woman got up .This is her story: “I work as a resource room teacher with children who have learning disabilities .A few years ago a young boy began taking lessons in my resource room. I could not figure out what had brought him to seek my help. He clearly had no difficulty with his lessons and did well on all his tests. Yet, time after time he consistently came to my resource room for his lessons. I was determined to find his area of weakness but, as hard as I tried, I could not find any type of learning disability or difficulty. Finally, out of frustration, I took him aside and told him I could not continue giving him lessons. It was a waste of his time and his parents hard earned money and he clearly did not need any sort of remedial help. The boy turned to me and said, “ I will tell you why I am here but I am asking you not to tell anyone else. I have a friend with a learning disability. Our teacher told him that he needed remedial classes in the resource room. He was so embarrassed to be singled out as having to go to your classes. I told him that it was no big deal and that I also take remedial classes. That is why I come to you- so that my friend will not be embarrassed”. The boy who came to my class so as not to embarrass his friend was Gilad Shaar.He was 10 years old at the time. As we enter the 3 weeks, may we all learn the preciousness of every single Jew. Instead of G-d forbid embarrassing someone – let us look at their good points and build them up. By doing such, we will bring great merit to the legacy of Gilad Shaar.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:56:45 +0000

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