~ You Can Benefit from Unconditional Prayer in 4 Simple - TopicsExpress


~ You Can Benefit from Unconditional Prayer in 4 Simple Steps We’ve all heard of unconditional love, but there’s a concept that is fair less popular and perhaps even more important. It’s unconditional prayer, the practice of communicating with the Divine for the more connection, service and surrender. Unconditional prayer is the anti-thesis of “shopping list” praying where we tell the Divine what we want and when we want it. Before I can really describe what it is and how to do it, though, I need you to better understand the related concept of trust. There are two types of trust – little trust and BIG TRUST. The most popular, garden variety type of trust is little trust. Most of us practice this kind of trust on a daily basis. It’s when we have faith that things are going to go OUR way; that is, the way our ego wants them to go. We commonly say we “trust” someone when we feel they’re going to behave the supportive way we want them to behave. Big trust is something different altogether. Big trust is when we believe the Divine is doing everything FOR us, rather than TO us. It’s when we believe that no matter how things work out, it’s all for our growth. It’s when we trust that even when “bad” or challenging things happen, the Divine has got our back. It’s true. The Divine really does have your back, but if you’re too busy trying to control things – even in your prayers – then it’s hard to experience the benevolent flow of the bigger picture. Simply put, unconditional prayer is the practice of trusting the Divine in a BIG way. Practicing it can give you a greater sense of acceptance, peace and flow in your life. So if you want to experience it more often, here are a few ways you can pray more unconditionally. HOW TO PRACTICE UNCONDITIONAL PRAYER 1) Before you pray, do some sort of centering practice to open yourself to Divine connection. It you don’t have a practice you love, try this simple one. Inhale and imagine magnetizing a beam of energetic light from the sky through the crown of your head into the bottom of your heart. Hold it in here in your heart for a moment, then exhale and press it down through your tailbone into the core of the earth. Notice how anchored it makes you feel to be deep in the earth, then, on the next inhale, draw that energy (that is earthier now) back up into the bottom of your heart and gently hold it again. Exhale and send it through your crown to the sky. Repeat the process several times until you feel, clear, peaceful and gently energized. 2) Before you ask for anything specific, say something like this: I am deeply committed to my spiritual growth. Please give me the courage, insight and acceptance I need to make the highest choices I can. Fill me with trust for all that is. Help me to know everything is unfolding with Divine Perfection. 3) When you have specific things you want to ask for, say something like this: I humbly ask (fill in the blank with what you want). This is what I believe I want and need now. I fully trust that you will give me this or something better for myself, my growth and for the good of all those around me. 4) Finish with a huge heap of gratitude that your request has been received. You can simply say this: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (or some variation there of). Try this for a week or so and see how you feel. I believe you’ll find that as you do it regularly, your BIG trust grows and so do you. Love, joy and blessings, Vicki, ~ Vicki Howie
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 11:01:59 +0000

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