*You Can Change The World* ~ Pramitha ‘Be the change you - TopicsExpress


*You Can Change The World* ~ Pramitha ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’, my English teacher quotes Gandhi. My partner rolls her eyes. “That’s bullshit ! No one can change the world. Changing one person isn’t going to help. How is that even practical?” She smirks. Her words hit me real hard. Are we really beyond any help? Is it too late? If so, then what is the purpose of our existence? Our existence. How many of us can say that we have truly lived every moment of our lives with all our heart? How does it matter, you think. This is not a philosophy class, people. This is an awakening call. Wake up ! There are millions of sightless, hearing impaired, mute, physically & mentally handicapped people out there, who aren’t as blessed as you. But what do we, the so-called able people, do with our bodies? We look, but don’t see; we hear, but don’t listen. Use your eyes to see the beauty in this world & not the evil. At the same time, do not turn a blind eye to the actions of the evil & the unjust. Act upon them. Indulge your ears in the melodious call of the birds, euphony of the musical instruments & the soul-stirring songs of the golden era. Yo Yo Honey Singh will surely not be on a deaf man’s to-listen list of wishes. Utilise your mouth to speak your mind, sing songs & raise your voice whenever necessary. However, abstain from gossiping, spreading rumours & cussing. Refrain from inertia & procrastination; persevere & work hard until you achieve that which your mind desires. Sharpen your curiosity for knowledge & wisdom. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. There are billions of people out there, who would literally kill to live the life you’re simply existing, to eat the food you’re wasting, to wear the clothes you’re giving away, just because they have gone out of fashion and to breathe a whiff of the fresh air you’re polluting with your cigarette. They would kill to educate themselves in the schools you bunk classes in, studying only to please your parents. But, is it my fault that they’re leading such a life, you ask. Maybe not, but had you not been alive, the resources you’re using up now could’ve been saved to fulfill the needs of someone else in need. The oxygen that you’re breathing freely isn’t for free, the water you’re drinking isn’t for free, the food you’re having isn’t for free. Someone else is paying the price for it; that someone else is bereft of these things only because of you. It’s basic economics, not rocket science. Once your demand for these necessities reduces, there will be more for everyone else & the supply, thus, increases. But, if you continue hoarding things you don’t need & utilise, you’re only creating artificial scarcity in the world. Like the onions last year. Atleast, they were only onions. Even the Indian government seems better than some of us, in this case. Food, shelter & clothing are just basic needs for you, but they are luxuries for them. So think twice before wasting those precious necessities. You may not be able to donate to them, but please don’t snatch it from them either. They are humans too. They might be only existing like you, but unlike you, they want to live. Millions are dying out of starvation, poverty, fatal pollutants, riots, wars & what not ! No, you cannot curb the wars, poverty, natural calamities, corruption & all the other issues oppressing the world. But here’s what you can do. You can explain your anger instead of expressing it to avoid a quarrel. If you’re full, you can give away that extra rice on your plate to that beggar outside the restaurant instead of throwing it away. Turn off that shower & switch to a bucket & mug; you will not die if you let someone else use that clean water instead. The least justice you could do to the souls of the lost is by proving your worth to live this life, which they are not fortunate enough to have. Live your life in a way that’s not insulting to the sacrifices they have made. Learn to respect & make the most of the little gifts you have been blessed with, for they aren’t so insignificant to them. Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot change the world. You can ! Start with the person in the Mirror.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:30:01 +0000

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