You Can Have Do or Be Anything You Want by Philip A. - TopicsExpress


You Can Have Do or Be Anything You Want by Philip A. Freedman Ive been thinking about my title; what exactly does this mean? I suppose the eternal optimist would have no problem with this at all, and yet you see, the thing is, I do. I am actually writing this piece in an attempt to understand why. I find it useful to just write down my thoughts, it often helps me to unravel the why’s in my life. Getting a journal is a great idea by the way - I drift. So why do I have a problem with the statement Ive used for my title? Well, as I think about it now, it could have something to do with the fact it’s often not ‘backed up’ with anything explanatory. Watching Facebook or twitter for a short while will show you this. There’s no shortage of positive sayings, phrases, quotes etc. and although this is the case, it seems to me, that most of it’s a little pointless. When I say pointless, what I really mean is baseless. It’s fair to say, unless youve come to the realisations - spoken of in all of the stuff quoted on social media - on a very personal level, you’re never really likely to find the reality yourself. This comes someway to understanding why I have an issue with my title. You could repeat my title over and over again, in fact, you could do this until you’re blue in the face. Yet the thing is, you’re never going to achieve what you want out of life, without the important ingredients rarely mentioned. What you will need - to begin with - are these magical elements: Love Self Belief Knowledge Motivation When it comes to knowledge, what you will need here, is a clear understanding of why and how you think the way you do. Before any of us are able to achieve the ‘Do, Be, Have’ stuff, we are going to need all of the above ingredients to come together in a lovely congruent mix of understandings. Something worth pondering on at this point is the ability to Know Yourself. Getting to know you has to be one of THE most important elements within our ability to find self belief. Now, let’s face it, most of us are driven to Want, Do or Be mainly because someone else is Doing, Being or Wanting. When we really get to know ourselves it’s often the case that the desire to WANT mutates into something else. Let me give you a small example and by all means excuse the pun. Some years ago several young ladies came to see me, because they’d heard, or read, that Hypnotherapy was useful if you wanted to enlarge your breasts (yes it’s true). To cut a very long story short, neither one of these two Beautiful young ladies had sufficient tutoring - with the help of Hypnosis - to ever find out if my methods (for breast enhancement) had been successful. What was a success though, was that both of these, Beautiful young women, changed their minds about needing larger breasts. And the reason? They both came to know themselves better through Hypnotherapy (more specifically, Gold Counselling - see website). Who thought they needed larger breasts in the first place? Are you seeing/getting my point? So there we are, when it comes to Doing, Being, Having whatever You Want, first discover who’s doing the wanting in the first place. There is something to be said about finding contentment through knowing the self. Self belief comes as standard when this is in place. As far as love and motivation are concerned we can begin by tackling them separately. Understanding ‘love’ is something modern thinking (the past 2000 years or so) has brought about. Love is an internal issue often sought externally - many of us would do well to take the time to think about this and then ponder on how we might be limiting ourselves (emotionally) as a result. By contrast, as long as the fulfilment of what we want, amplifies our internal sense of love, all will be well. To put this plainly successful people are good - thus successful - at what they do, because it’s something they love about themselves. To put it yet another way, an inventor, for example, succeeding at creating a workable invention, amplifies the inventors love of his ability to be creative. Make sense? So find out what you love about yourself, and then do that very thing. You’re guaranteed to succeed. Motivation is part and parcel of this. Love is the motivation. To put this plainly if you love money you’re going to have a hard time becoming rich (if this is what you want) because, when you think about it, money is never going to be a part of you. Money is only ever a by-product of succeeding at what you love about yourself. Incidentally the key to finding something you truly love about yourself, and turning this into cash, is to think about what you were most successful at as a child. If you need to think long and hard about this, that’s okay, it’s definitely worth it in the end. Some may need to make it up - creatively! Hello Hypnosis. To conclude: Having, Doing, Being whatever you Want, is accomplished through Self Belief/knowledge, love of this, and the motivation to want more. That makes better sense to me, how about you? See you in the hall of fame then?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 11:19:12 +0000

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