You Deserve The Best Mark 12:6, KJV {12:6} Having yet therefore - TopicsExpress


You Deserve The Best Mark 12:6, KJV {12:6} Having yet therefore one son, his well beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. Do you sometime feel apprehensive in declaring your rights? Well, you deserve the best that life has to offer, and nothing less that this. God knows, the challenges you face, the daily temptations and persecutions; and that is why He wants to give you the best, that you will be able to meet all these difficulties and be victorious. In Mark 12:1-11, we learn about the wicked tenants. This account is a picture of man’s treatment of God messengers, but more so it’s about God’s patience and love for us. From creation until this time, from the time God called Abraham until now, He has without fail being sending help, counsel, advice and salvation for us. God gave us prophets like Jonah, whose message cause the city of Nineveh to be saved. He sent us David, whose rule as a king secured the victory for the people of Israel over all their enemies. But the wicked tenants, those who rejected God’s provision of salvation, beat, wounded, and killed the messengers. (Luke 12:3-5) Wicked and evil unbelieving people continually did wicked and crueler and evil things to God’s prophets, saints and kings. Then, what did God do? Grace still came out from His loving nature; He sent His Son, Jesus, still. “Having yet therefore one son, his well beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.” (Mark 12:6) Beloved you are God’s “bunnununus” (Jamaica term for precious one). The vineyard that was once given to others, God has taken back, now He gives it to you. (Mark 12:9) That is how much God values you. He knew, that Jesus would be killed, but He allow it, to rescue you, to save you. Amen! Today see the love of God for you in a fresh new way, and be a blessing to the people around you. Amen! Shalom!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 00:08:29 +0000

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