You Determine Your Own Destiny By: Bo Sanchez Let me tell - TopicsExpress


You Determine Your Own Destiny By: Bo Sanchez Let me tell you one of my favorite stories. Three construction workers were on top of their half-finished skyscraper. Rrrrrrrrrng!” the lunch bell sounded, and the three men sat on a steel beam of the 56th floor with their lunch boxes in hand. The first guy opens his and groans in exasperation, Tuyo! There is not a day that I dont get tuyo for lunch!” He turns to his buddies and announces, Mark my words. If I still get tuyo tomorrow, Im going to throw myself from this building.” The second guy opens his lunch box and moans, Tinapa. Everyday, I get this for lunch.” He looks at his friends and declares, Believe me when I say this. If I get tinapa tomorrow, Im going to jump from here and kill myself.” The third guy opens his lunch box and it was his turn to despair, Galunggong. All I get is galunggong!” He looks to his co-workers and says, Im telling you, if I still get galunggong tomorrow, Im going to jump from this building and die.” The next day, the lunch bell rings and all three men are again seated on the 56th floor. The first guy opens his lunch box and starts crying, Tuyoooooo!” And so in front of his shocked companions, he jumps off the building and crashes on the ground. The second guy opens his lunch box and wails loudly, Tinapaaaaaa!” And before his remaining friend, he jumps off the building and hits the ground and dies. The third guy opens his lunch box and screams, Galunggonggggg!” And so he too jumps off the building and dies. Days later, during the funeral of the three men, their three wives embrace and began to weep together. The first wife cries out, I didnt know my husband didnt like tuyo anymore! Why didnt he tell me? If only he told me, I would have prepared something else!” The second wife echoed her statement, Yes! If only I knew, I would have cooked something else, not tinapa!” The third wife, between sobs, spoke up, I dont know why my husband killed himself.” The two wives looked at her curiously. Why?” She went on, Because… my husband prepares his own lunch everyday.” God Has Given You Freewill I love this crazy story because it presents a very important truth: all of us prepare our own lunch. If we dont like our jobs, if we dont like the state of our relationships, if we dont like whats happening to our spiritual lives—we have no one to blame but ourselves. Because God has given us free will. He has given us the power to prepare our own lunch. If we want to put more joy in our marriages, if we want to grow in our relationship with God, if we want to earn more and be free from debt—then go back to your kitchen and prepare yourself another dish. Because you design your own future. You create your own destiny. Ask yourself? What kind of future do you want to have? What kind of millennium? You decide. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez PS. Change your Financial Lunch”. Change your Financial Destiny. Your future will be determined by what you do TODAY. I believe that the best and safest way of transforming your financial future is by investing in the Stock Market.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 02:37:51 +0000

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