You MUST watch this. This is a bizarre military power grab totally - TopicsExpress


You MUST watch this. This is a bizarre military power grab totally ignoring the LAWS of the U.S.I dont know whos lining this Panettas pockets but the Congress who is there to control the U.S. purse isnt even being asked and these guys are giving themselves a blank check for wars and bonuses no politicians or presidents are even asked about. Its a horrible bypass and affront. Why is this guy not automatically arrested and Jeff Session says Seize this man and hold him as a traitor and treasonous man? See this is what is missing here. Why is Jeff brain dead over the next action which is yell arrest this traitor. You can do a citizens arrest. I am sure its in the War Power Act. Look Panetta is saying NATO or the UN can order US troops to do ANYTHING THEY among themselves agree to and use US troops to effect it. They can order US troops to murder US citizens without asking Congress, Senate or president if NATO or the UN wants it. Obviously scum Panetta is blackmailed and bribed highly and is outside US law ordering US troops to do what other provocateers may want.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 03:06:41 +0000

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