You Make Me Want To Be A Better Man.....Written to honor a woman - TopicsExpress


You Make Me Want To Be A Better Man.....Written to honor a woman who has been a teacher by example, true to her word at all times, and who took on the immense task of loving a man (that would be me), who had come to consider romantic relationships a bit of some cosmic joke. (Sorry God....but we both know its true.) Grace and I share the same birthday - and well - that in and of itself for 2 very independent people, was an interesting dynamic. I shared this to her page with permission to honor her on her birthday, and wanted to share it here as well since she has her privacy settings very high. I hope this witnesses to what Love is about - and how it can manifest - as men and women across every walk of life - struggle to love, trust and respect one-another. Its my birthday - and to be honest - Im glad to be in good health, have employment, shelter and provision - and in general - thankful to be alive to share another day with some of you. My how Ive gotten easier to please in my latter years. I pray for wisdom and favor every day. That seems to go a long way to having what I need and sometimes want - show up in perfect time. So heres my birthday note - to someone who helped to Make Me A Better Man. God Bless all who get/take the time to read this and reflect on what it means in their own lives and relationships. Troy You Make Me Want To Be A Better Man....7/30/2014 - Written by Troy Leger I wanted to publicly wish you a Happy Birthday Grace Bouillion. Without over-sharing the details of our friendship and partnership - which became a romantic relationship for a moment in time, I wanted to say that being along side of you in life - has made me a better man. (As I say that I remember the line from As Good As It Gets where Helen Hunts character is upset because Jack Nicholsons character cant seem to pay her a compliment. And after being all over the road with his delivery - he delivers that line; You make me want to be a better man. Even for a character/man whos so gauche - the compliment is trans-formative for their relationship. I am blessed to have come to know your amazing family, and would have given all I have if you could have arrived sooner to get to have talks with my Grandma. Ill never forget the day you took rake in hand and helped me rake her leaves in your Sunday best. Shoe designer Christian Louboutin never knew his shoes would serve a woman so well I assure you. I would have given all I have to have been able to spend more time with and around your dad. Ill never forget the miracle of an awakening over his bed after a prayer that day -and the chance to thank him before he left - for the respect and acceptance he showed me as a man. But these are only a few of the things that make me feel more like we became family - and that there are ties that will not be lost as we move down our paths in life. From hospitals and nursing homes and over death-beds of loved ones.... over miles and miles of road in a jeep and on a motorcycle; in the mountains of Georgia, the airports of L.A. & Phoenix and the roads to and from Springfield - and the homes of people who have left impressions on me that nearly make me ask God, Why didnt you didnt put me there...instead of here? On the streets of New Orleans and the beach fronts of Gulfport, Galveston and more.... on the front lines of so many works sites into which you followed me, most memorably in the company of our friends Troy Trahan - his wife and so many kind people there.... And finally to the talks across your table - where it all started, and sometimes still ends up. God made you so special that I never saw you coming, and I have almost never been able to understand you with my mind. Finally - today on our birthdays - yours and mine - I look into my heart and SEE you; Im left in wonder at how many times I did miss you while you stood right in front of me or right next to me. And even as I see/understand you today - God is still unfolding corners of the picture I know that I am still missing. It makes me want to continue to watch, from where ever I may be allowed....always at His leading. Thank you for the extended patience that loving me required(s) at times - for me to move that short distance from what I thought/think - to what I eventually came/come to realize was/is true - in my heart. I know now that love, trust and respect in a relationship - if they live only in ones mind, are easy to cause to fail. It isnt until love, trust and respect for another is in our hearts - that it becomes impenetrable to worldly circumstance. This entire paragraph to say - its easy to change a mind; much harder to change - a heart. No matter where our paths may now lead us - as I say, you feel like family. And I write all of this as a salute to you - and to lift you up with this reflection of how the way God made you, and continues to make you - has been a blessing to me in countless ways. I have been the benefactor of His love through our time together, and hope I have left you with the same. Many times I was asked over the years, What made you pick her? I was usually fumbling with words to explain it. I mean how do you tell people, She raked my grandmothers leaves with me in designer shoes of her own accord... and have them understand how that shows what kind of a heart you have? Im sure so many thought I picked you because of how you are pretty/beautiful. But I never pick a woman that way. I pick her by her heart. And you my friend - have an amazing one. You are amazing today on your 50th - and I hope to know you on your 60th to see how the story finishes unfolding. I pray for God watch over you and always keep a hedge around you and your you wisdom, discernment and favor as you may need it to go about His work for your life in the world. I spent near an hour looking for a birthday card for you in the middle of the night - and could not find one that put it in any way - into these words. You Made Me - a BETTER MAN. (Credit to our Christian walk - and how God used that for each of us.) youtube/watch?v=A75AgrH5eqc
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:39:51 +0000

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