You Might Need This! OUR RESURRECTION HOPE!!! John.5:28,29=A - TopicsExpress


You Might Need This! OUR RESURRECTION HOPE!!! John.5:28,29=A Time is coming when all those in the Memorial Tomb will his(Jesus) voice and come out. What would that mean for faithful Humans? A JOYOUS MOMENT! A reunion with your loved ones whom you have missed. How Can That Be Of Help For Us Now? Learning and relying on the Resurrection hope can benefit us in many ways. But Lets discuss just two. The Resurrection hope can help set your mind at ease. And it can help you remain Faithful to Jehovah. How can it help you keep your mind at ease? Those without this hope, when they lost someone in death, they cry themselves to sickness. Also it will free us from fear of the Dead. We dont fear our loved ones who have died because we know that theyre not in another world. Rather, theyre in Jehovahs memory. How Can It Help You Remain Faithful To Jehovah? This Hope can help you stay faithful to Jehovah when faced with a decision to compromise your faith. You might be asked to take blood so as to be cured from a sickness. Acts.15:29 says that we should not take Blood. If you dont have this hope, youll disobey that command to save your life. With that hope, you wont compromise your faith. Youll let Gods will to be done in your life. Theres even risk involved in taking blood through tranfusion, Qualified Doctors can testify to this fact. After transfusing blood, you might contract Blood-transmitted diseases like HIV, AIDS and so on. Even if thats not the case, and the blood-transfussion managed to save your life, that do not mean you wont fall sick again, and eventually die. Even those that Jesus cured eventually died. So having the Resurrection Hope and relying on it can help you to resist the pressure to go against Jehovah. You can rely on the hope that Jehovah never forsake those who are earnestly doing his will. Even if we should die for not accepting Blood, because we want to obey Jehovah rather than Doctors, we can be sure that when the time is ripe, well be brought back to Life to Live in a time when you will never get sick again not to talk of dying. You also might be threatened by govermental Authority to stop the preaching or to accept duties that are against our Bible principles or you lose your life. It would be difficult to make the right decision, but by relying on the Resurrection hope, and with Jehovahs support, well be able to obey God as ruler rather than men. Dont let anything take away that hope away from you. May we keep our hope Ever sure and fresh. May the Resurrection Hope have real meaning for us and the decisions we take in life. If were not careful, the tendency to live longer will hinder our prospect of living forever. Like we mentioned from the onset, human Doctors cure is temporary, but Jehovahs own is once and for eternity. So dont let fear of dying make you reject Jehovah and appease Humans. Meditate on these Questions: How strong is my Faith towards the Hope of Resurrection? Do i strongly believe that it will happen? Can God really bring back those who have been crushed to pieces by fatal accidents, those drowned in water, those blown up in the air by bomb to life? Can i actually rely on that hope? The resurrections in the Bible, do they really happened. Can i reject to save my life by going against Gods law because of this Hope? After meditating on those questions, i hope your answers will be yes, yes and yes. To rely on that Hope, you have to first believe that it will surely happen. With this discussion, weve come to see the benefit associated with the Resurrection Hope. Jehovah knows why he made this provision available for us. He knows we need it to stir us up. So its left for us to embrace and hang on to it. May we then take full advantage of this glorious hope. Which hope? After dying in this sick world, The Hope of being Resurrected to Live in a world where you cant get sick anymore or die. You can live forever in paradise if you keep your hope sure. OUR RESURRECTION HOPE is one of the means which Jehovah will use to make this Earth a place inhabited by only peaceful people. I wish to meet you as an individual in that world, and Hope that you also want to meet me!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:11:03 +0000

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