You Need Entrepreneurial And Marketing Skills For A Profitable - TopicsExpress


You Need Entrepreneurial And Marketing Skills For A Profitable Future Two of the main skills needed for a profitable future are the skills of marketing and being entrepreneurial. We have to move away from this wage mentality and develop the skills of marketing. In other words, being able to present your intellectual capital to consumers that might buy it. Cowen maintains that marketing will be the seminal sector of the future. His reasoning for saying this is as inequality goes up then the more you have to concentrate on positioning your intellectual capital in front of people that can pay for it, rich people that do well. Believe you me the people that do well dont want to do the menial tasks. If you find a way for them to develop more time, if you find a way for them to develop more status, if you find a way for them to shortcut their learning, thats why they will continue to buy your capital. So you have to concentrate on pitching your products, your skills, your services and your ideas toward the people that can purchase it. Remember there are two billion coming into the middle class and above and that is where we have to pitch our intellectual capital. The real skill of the future is your ability to gain and hold the attention of those people that can pay for your capital. Gain and hold their attention. One skill is packaging your capital into a consumable form, thats entrepreneurialism and you can learn exactly how to do that. Then you need to be able to present your idea so you gain and hold the attention of people who can consume your value. Thats marketing and you can learn everything you need to know about how to do that through an understanding of neuromarketing, how you start to reach the decision making brain of each individual. Thats the real skill says Cowen and its marketing that will be rewarded, those that can gain and hold the attention of wealthy people heading into the future. Cowen and Brynjolfsson are really enthusiastic about the future, new technology and new capital but not the way people are heading into it. This will be a world of fantastic opportunity and yet a lot of people are going to experience financial hardship. There will be a lot of creativity that you have to bring to it. I think what our future is going to look like is opportunities behind every single door you can start to open but not unless you start to change the way you think about you and your value. Its people who really get something about the tech world, its people who understand something about human nature and how money actually moves through a society and how money moves through people in various stages of their lifecycle. If you understand the psychology of money itself, if you understand marketing, if you understand persuasion, if you understand your ability to influence decision making then those will move into the top earners in the world. Thats my invitation to you. Once you learn those skills you are now completely independent and you can go anywhere. Just like you spent years and years learning the skills you have now, going to uni for 3 or 4 years then going out to practice and develop them. Its the same process you have done many times before. This is now just another example but this way you can leverage up on those skills because technology allows us to do it, rather than continue to point those skills at the old wage class. Stay tuned for Embrace Risk, Innovation And Experimentation Or Accept A Bleak Future Until then its bye from me.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:40:51 +0000

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