You SHOULD! Get Your PAPERS Every year, too many persons seek - TopicsExpress


You SHOULD! Get Your PAPERS Every year, too many persons seek employment from too few employers. I need you to know that your qualifications in the area of interest are not what will get you hired. Follow me closely now… Hundreds or thousands of individuals seek employment after studies annually; hence there is already a back log of persons that can be hired from kept-files of applications. Where do you fit in and how do you actually get through the clutter? 1. You are employed because of your “Additionals” – not your degree, diploma, or certificate of interest, but your other qualifications, skills, abilities and talents, and demeanor/disposition. (This is besides ties and strings of family, friends, politics, university brand, etc). You need to be marketable; you need to be a package and not an entity; to be added value/additional worth to the employers – to be a bundle of ‘more’ for the same wage/pay… 2. Secondly, you need to be direct, personal, different, stand out, memorable, in your process. Get professional assistance in your application, try to deliver your application package instead of posting, keep checking back in person (become familiar to them via your interest), and be hopefully positive… I see it both necessary and wise then, to inform you that you SHOULD! You should get your papers. Not sending you to study something new at a university necessarily, but telling you to get your papers! You see, the thing is, you are already good/gifted at what you do and many know it, yet, it’s the papers that count in the boil down (and knowing what you already know, it just might be a piece of cake kind-of easy for you). So yes, you play that instrument really well, so go on and become qualified in music from taking classes/courses right where you are; same thing for cooking, sewing, first aid, martial arts, cosmetology, drivers license, languages you speak, visas, etc. Go get that asset that can hang on your wall of credibility and entrepreneurship; get that sense of accomplishment and achievement from knowing you went through the process and deserve to be rightly recompensed/paid; be ready for life elsewhere where you’re not known and where they need papers, when you just may need to migrate…love, death, greener pastures. Why watch those you assisted overtake you in life? Why be content with mere ability even though you may be great at what you now do, when in one year’s time more or less, you can have your worldwide evidence? Haven’t you ever really thought about it? Still pondering becoming a qualified professional? Take it from me, you SHOULD! “You SHOULD! The Series” – Blog 1 of 52 brief blogs at Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook; on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Sabbaths, from mid September 2014 to mid January 2015; by Curtis W A Williams, in categories: - IDENTITY & SIGNIFICANCE - CHRISTIANITY & SPIRITUALITY - FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS - *ORGANIZATION & PROGRESS* - INSPIRATION/MOTIVATION & SELF-HELP Curtis W A Williams channels Words to voice CORININAR via Blogs, Poems, eBooks, and Songs. He is a Christian by persuasion, Educator by profession, Musician by desire, and a blunt Wordsmith by design. Today’s blog is dedicated to my sister Esther Williams-Isaacs: The series sets sail on your birthday…may this day count and matter to the remainder of your life’s purpose, progress and significance – you get 1st blog. Your SHARING this document is sincerely appreciated, yet, for the deeper purpose of ministry – Intervention, Introspection, Inspiration – kindly SEND IT DIRECTLY to those individual/s who come to mind, that you truly believe needs to get it, thank you. “POINT-BLANK HEART-SLASHES” Overflow | WORDThrone eWorks
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:39:23 +0000

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