You Speakin’ Funny! Let’s be adorned in God’s Glory! - TopicsExpress


You Speakin’ Funny! Let’s be adorned in God’s Glory! “The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t have faith so they can’t see the light of the Gospel that reveals God’s Glory.” 2 Corinthians 4:4…. DON’T LET THIS BE YOU!! Because Jesus spoke, “When the Comforter comes whom I will send to you from the Father – The Spirit of Truth Who proceeds ‘from’ the Father – He shall testify about Me, and you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.” We have all been with Him since before the beginning, just not as flesh and bone. Now if we take a look back at Saul in 1 Samuel 10:11, there is proof of this, as he was obviously caught up in a prophetic frenzy, and bore witness to the power of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit has been in full force since before the (our) beginning, as even Adam, when God breathed life into him in Genesis 2:7. The Holy Spirit must truly have been in that single breath! So now, as we come to the Lord and learn & learn with our faith growing stronger, we start to lead others to Christ because of our excitement, to share what we’ve found. We can be young in the Spirit, but we can still lead others to the feet of our Jesus! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! But here’s the deal, we see in the Book of Acts, 18: 24-28. This is the story of Apollos, a teacher: There has to be a complete teaching to the teachers in order for us to teach properly, for a consistent message to be taught. Get it? If not, people will start to wonder, “Is there more?” Because our belly will not be full, and then to fill our own bellies we start to draw our own conclusions and come up with our own standards, which truly are not the same as God’s. We see here also through a belief and faith, the Baptism of water, this is when conviction sets in. And when the Comforter comes in, again John 15:26, now we start to see the gifts that God has put into our hearts manifest. At this, we not only have conviction, but we will surely be held accountable for all & everything we do. Go right ahead and try to use the gifts that God has given you out of context, outside the boundaries of the Holy Spirit. Teach without permission, Prophecy without permission, lay hands without permission and the finality will be that you reap what you sow. And if you damage another’s Spirit by doing such a thing, that blood surely is on your head. Now maybe you don’t know the fullness of the Christ or the Holy Spirit, and God may give a pass, or maybe you do, you just did it for your own gain…. Wrong answer… 2 Timothy 2:15, “Make an effort to be a tried and true worker.” Present yourself before God as such, and don’t worry about what man is looking at. If you start to worry about these things, you will lose focus on the Word, and that’s where satan wins. O.K., let’s get back to Apollos: There is a Baptism of water, but the Baptism of the Holy Spirit completes the teaching. The Comforter, or Companion has arrived! At this point the teachers said, “We have not even heard of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” So Paul taught as a complete teacher, and, “They laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began to speak in other languages and prophesying.” So the first Baptism is the belief that Jesus died on the Cross, His blood was shed, and through God’s infinite Glory our sins are forgiven. The second Baptism, God takes it personal, and sends Himself to be within us! How awesome is that?! To Have God where we are all the time! Now with this, you better take it personal yourself. And as we put on the mindset of the Kingdom of Heaven through the Baptism of fire, this is where we find the true gifts that are assigned to us personally, the gift of tongues for example, or even a true prophetic heart, but again this is accountability, not a playmate. There are no more excuses after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There can only be complete conviction. An excuse is a rejection of obedience to God’s Word. Disciple = Discipline! Now let’s get into the gift of tongues for a moment. This is pretty serious business right here: Another language? Or several? For real?! We see it, we witness it, we speak it. It will not be denied… In the Book of Acts, 2nd chapter, the ‘gathering’ spoke in other people’s languages. But were they? Or did God just let the crowd gathered hear in their own tongue while the Apostles were prophecying in heavenly verse. This would be a trivial thing for God. Acts 2:11, “We do ‘hear’ in our own tongues the wonderful works of God!” Watch yourself with this gift though, as in 1 Corinthians 13:1, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of the angels, and have not love or charity, I am just a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal.” This is the same with any gift. Teaching or prophecying in another tongue would truly be in vain. But I’m going to tell you this right now, as Paul speaks, “Those who speak in a tongue don’t speak to people but to God: Only he will understand! They speak mysteries of the Spirit!” This is personal edification & glorification through a supernatural gift. I will pray in tongues, it is a gift and I will certainly take advantage of it! One should not stifle what God has set before us. I will not teach however, this would be pointless. And there would be many cocked heads in the room, just before I was run out on rail! I would like to know where the notion came from that we are not to edify ourselves or God through rejoicing in tongues during praise & worship or at church at all. This is false teaching right here folks. This is just another self interpretation of God’s Glorious unchanging Word. If you are getting this belief from 1 Corinthians 14:5, actually read the entire chapter, these are some of the gifts of the Spirit, then check yourself. I truly will not teach or speak in another tongue, except my own, but if I’m speaking to God personally, don’t try to stop me, I just might be praying for you! Now let’s get into some more scripture, and some other gifts that Glorify God… 1 Corinthians 12:28, “And God set some in the Church, first Apostles, then Prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, the gifts of healing, the ability to help others, leadership skills and different kinds of tongues.” In verse 29 we see, “All aren’t” all of the above. There is difference between the calling of a Prophet and one who prophecies, again, look at Saul. This is the same with all the gifts, a preacher proclaims and a teacher explains! So in this, the ‘gift’ of tongues can operate in the Church at any level, again, personal edification. But you don’t hold a conversation with anyone in tongues do you? Except for your conversation with God? “They heard in their own languages.” Read Acts 2:1-6 again, it’s good stuff. Ending, I say this: Never restrict the power or the gifts of the Comforter, for He is just that! Restrict Him and restrict your blessings. Personally, I couldn’t write without Him guiding my pen. He engulfs everything I do! Many don’t believe this, so they try to restrict me. PHHHT! And if you try to restrict others, well… I won’t even finish this sentence, because you just might think it’s me, in your human mindset, that is the one who is going to be condemning you! HALLELUJAH!!! GOD BLESS THE READERS THE HEARERS AND THE LOVERS!! AMEN & AMEN!!!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:09:01 +0000

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