You absolute peasant piece of shit..... My whanau are struggling - TopicsExpress


You absolute peasant piece of shit..... My whanau are struggling to pay te everyday items like food and power cause you dont give two shits that there is no works in some places and on top of they whom have worked their entire bloody life to make sure we can pay your disgraceful wage for doin shit all but holiday on your house in Hawaii. Lets see you Dunny Key live on what you expect my people all New Zealanders to live on. It is my bloody opinion that a joker like this who made their pingas by using our 1980s monetary system to steal as much as they could while they could is a dickhead and can piss off to Aussie. You was in te right place at te right time end of story. This 27 million is not to be spent on this shit instead given to those whom killed them selves for our country - whom built us to where we are so that you can rip us off a bit more. This money does not belong to you even though you reckon it does, it belongs to us Kiwis and we want it given to our retirees whom still HAVE to work cause our benefit system looks after lazy dickheads who dont even live here in some cases. (Yes I know some of you deserve te help and Aunty is all for that). This money belongs to our elderly who gave all and now deserve to get shit back. That 27 million will keep them warm next winter, even help them to go buy some real tucker and live their retirement with te luxuries they slaved their entire life to give you Dunny Key! This is Auntys last warning you over inflated poofter, stop this stealing our pingas that we owe to bloody China anyway (obvious after te sale of te Crafer farms to te nip nip bloke)and do what we bloody pay you to do... Take care of te people who gave you all you have, TE STRUGGLING SENIORS AND FAMILIES OF NEW ZEALAND!!! Dickhead! Kia ora
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:14:31 +0000

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