You all know Im pro independence. I hope you all also know Im not - TopicsExpress


You all know Im pro independence. I hope you all also know Im not fond of the pish that currently passes for debate in some quarters. I just saw a perfect example of passive aggressive nonsense that happens everywhere but is increasing in the debate: A well known actress Tweets a photograph of all the wee union jacks that were put in the sand to remember the fallen in Normandy, as part of the D-Day commemorations. All great, but she then adds This will make Alex Salmond sick. Quite apart from the in appropriateness of using a commemoration of something that happened 70 years ago to score a political point, she seems to misunderstand the entire independence debate. Anyway, she (obviously) upsets many independence supporters and (obviously) many are not shy about telling her what they think (remember, this is a well known actress with a substantial profile). So she then spends the next 24 hours retweeting many of the unpleasant, and completely out of order, comments, playing the martyr and proving the point how nasty the cybernats are. Im a cybernat, I suppose, but I dont think Im nasty, however her tweet was offensive and disgusting. Thats fine, she can tweet what she wants, but shes a public person, she should be well aware how this stuff works, and Im pretty sure it was done on purpose to stir up bile. Theres a huge amount of misinformation floating around about this referendum. Its NOT about hating English people, its NOT about insulting or rejecting family and friends across the border (and there *is* already a border), its purely and simply about believing the best people to govern Scotland are the people who live and work in Scotland. That is all. So of youve been told anything else, if you suspect theres more to it than that, youre wrong, and please stop being offended by it.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 10:35:24 +0000

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