You all need to read this post by Cary Altman My analysis of the - TopicsExpress


You all need to read this post by Cary Altman My analysis of the Warrensburg presidential protest and speech rebuttal I have come away from my experience yesterday with a deep dread as to how badly this country is in trouble. Out of all the unemployed people out there across the region, and the many hundreds that promised to show up, six brave individuals showed for our protest. Six. Thank god also for the Young Republicans group at the school, for they brought out 5 or 6 more, and we started looking like a crowd. After managing to flag down a local couple driving by to join us and with a few arrivals around noon, we started to have a group that could be seen without a microscope, but our group was small and easily ignored. To compound this problem, we had a splinter group in town that formed an unlicensed protest at another location with a few more guys. Instead of joining us to make the official protest look bigger, they felt it more desirable to hang with their group independently of ours. One of our late arrivals was looking for this group and found us instead. Just like the Tea Party split the republican vote in the election, this independent group following its own ideals, split our protest. We were not united; therefore we lost the battle then, and yesterday. Obama is a master politician. After all, it is all he does, campaign and give speeches, and he is very good at it. He chooses his venues and his audiences very carefully; to make sure that the media doesn’t get any glimpse of dissent. Obama started this campaign weeks ago, schmoosing the Mayor of our city as well as the Chancellor of the University. They were fully onboard with what was about to happen. The city then played this game very well. I applied for and received the only legal permit to protest. The city rounded up all other protesters that popped up around town and as I monitored the police radio it was clear that they were very quick to respond to any calls of harassment, anywhere else in town, except where they put us… the official protesters. We were sequestered into a small corner on the far side of campus. All parking and pedestrian traffic was routed around the area we were told to be in. This sign says it all…. We were designated a special free speech area on the university grounds… protests were not allowed anywhere else in the city. The president timed his arrival for after all the protesters had been rounded up and sent to the official zone. All the people parking for the event, the entire town lining the streets to see a glimpse of the presidential motorcade, all of the out-of- towner’s… they totally missed the protest, because everything was routed around us. The Sierra Club was also in town, causing trouble all over the place with their anti-Keystone XL Pipeline protest, and eventually they were all rounded up and shooed into the free speech area along with us. Picture it, thirty ravenous law breaking Sierra Club pro Obama people on one side of the protest area, shouting down the 20 or so patriots trying to get their word out, and calling us stupid. The protest became a joke… and not long after that, broke up. We tried… spent 10 hours in the hot sun, and were beat and beaten. We had been totally marginalized and it hurt. After we left the area, I drove around town to see all the lookie loos lining the streets. All these good people of this mostly republican city forgot who they were, and glommed onto the president’s visit. Everywhere you looked, there were Welcome President Obama signs and people holding flags. If I were not a person who cannot forsake my values and morality for the sake of an event, I might have joined the excitement, but I could not. I found a quiet place to watch the speech, and to see what lies were going to be fed to both of my daughters who were in the audience. The short 45 minute speech the president gave to the kids was a remarkable work of stupendous lies, jabs to the right, and promises that he could not keep. I easily saw through it, and will highlight some pertinent points along with my rebuttal here, but the crowd ate it up. Hook line and sinker, they ate it all up. It is hard to look my fellow citizens in the face today as I realize what lemmings they have become. Let’s look at the speech. “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball, I am here to say this needs to stop.” –BHO From the very beginning of the speech, Obama started attacking the right. According to him, the American Dream has been lost, because of Republicans and rich people, and he alone, the great savior of the middle class, is trying to bring it back singlehandedly. He admits that things are bad now, but convinces the crowd that things are better now than they were a year ago, and promises that things will get a little better again next year, and the year after that, and in 10 years, things will be pretty good. He puts all the credit for this change on the young people that he is talking to… and they eat it up as they have just been told that they are the saviors of the nation, and their parents, the right wingers like me… they are the cause of the problem. The kids loved to hear this from the president. The president easily brushed off all criticism and all the scandals by calling them phony… and they ate it up. The president spent a lot of time blaming the republicans for his inability to get things done faster, making it sound like without them in the way, he could have everyone working already. “We’ve seen a sizable group of Republican lawmakers suggest they wouldn’t vote to pay the very bills that Congress rang up, a fiasco that harmed a fragile recovery in 2011, and one we can’t afford to repeat,” he said. Obama blames our problems on advancing technology reducing the number of jobs available and on the rich 1% who more than ever before, proportionately make more than the average worker. It is clear to see his socialist view of our economy when he says things like this: “Even though our businesses are creating new jobs and have broken record profits, nearly all the income gains of the past ten years have continued to flow to the top 1%. The average CEO has gotten a raise of nearly 40% since 2009, but the average American earns less than he or she did in 1999. And companies continue to hold back on hiring those who have been out of work for some time. “ And of course, as if on cue, all of those who are not CEO’s ate this up like candy and cheered the speechmaker in chief. “We’ve seen a sizable group of Republican lawmakers suggest they wouldn’t vote to pay the very bills that Congress rang up – a fiasco that harmed a fragile recovery in 2011, and one we can’t afford to repeat. Then, rather than reduce our deficits with a scalpel – by cutting programs we don’t need, fixing ones we do, and making government more efficient – this same group has insisted on leaving in place a meat cleaver called the sequester that has cost jobs, harmed growth, hurt our military, and gutted investments in American education and scientific and medical research that we need to make this country a magnet for good jobs.” I just shook my head as I watched this exchange, and the crowd cheered to hear the president defiantly claim that he will do what it takes to make this happen: “I will not allow gridlock, inaction, or willful indifference to get in our way. Whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it.” There was nothing new in this speech and we have heard all this before. The point I want to make here is that he is now focusing on brainwashing our kids, and he has an effective plan to get them on board. He has introduced a new way of educating them that they like the sound of and promises that kids will get a college education, debt free. He promises them that if they just work hard, they will be able to get all of us old fashioned old folks out of the way so that their world will be a better place. I was appalled listening to the president’s description of America as he sees it. He wants to tear down the old, and build new, in his desired image. He wishes to kill any company that is successful and who’s CEO’s make too much. His regulations, Obamacare, and tax policies are forcing large businesses to cut back on good jobs and instead create little jobs… we are seeing the designed end of the 40 hour work, and a world where no one makes big money, and everyone makes average money. He claims that more jobs are being created now than ever before, but what he doesn’t say is that these are part time or temporary jobs. He lies to the good children, telling them that in this new world, that things will be good enough to be middle class, and they will be able to own a home and have the good life if they just put up with the pain now and work hard. The main point of his speech at the university however was a focus on UCM’s accelerated education initiative. He thinks it is a great idea to dumb down America by dumbing down the kids. He has proposed new 2 year accelerated degree programs that kids can start on while still in high school. This sounds good on the surface, and sounds cheaper, but what does it do to our kids? How can someone with a 2 year accelerated degree possibly compete in the worldwide market with someone who learned the things necessary to get a traditional 4 year degree? The answer is that they could not possibly be equal…. Yet this is what he wants for America… a nation of short cutters… a nation of dumbed down kids. I was appalled by this speech, my community’s reaction, and the lack of conversation afterwards. I am deeply worried about my country on this day… more than I was before the president came to town. I don’t know what the answers are going to be, because I saw firsthand how good people forget their convictions in order to seek the celebrity of the office and a presidential visit. I stood up for what I believe in yesterday, and because of it, am now labeled as a crackpot by my own family and community. No wonder people give up and become apathetic. We are in trouble America…. Deep deep trouble.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:22:46 +0000

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