You always have a choice. There’s always another way. Ben - TopicsExpress


You always have a choice. There’s always another way. Ben Ryder’s Guardian is a thrilling and finely acted little ride that could best be summed up in these two simple sentences. The question it poses, though, is hardly a simple one: is a man’s fate predetermined? The choices we’re forced to make in life… are they even our choices at all? Is our world orchestrated by a higher being, can such a thing as free will truly exist? Ben Ryder’s vision is somewhat impressive—as the main character slowly slips deeper into his crisis, his surroundings are drenched in the color red, as the grim, depressing locations aptly match his deteriorating psychological state. Richard Wood’s screenplay is clever and rather subtle, the photography is very pleasing to the eye and the general impression this short leaves is that of an accomplished, well thought-out story definitely worth seeing.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 01:00:56 +0000

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